Well, if you shoot for the king... Good luck with this gambit, Democrats. Unintended consequences surely to be epic.

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We've recently seen that Democrats are willing to shoot up kids in churches.

And now they're causing insurrection in the Tennessee Capitol building: https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1641490349850853376?s=20

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Time to realize this isn’t just the democrats. This is a global conspiracy involving people on both sides of the aisle who have sold their souls to the literal devil to take down the US. Take us down and the rest of the world falls like dominoes. It is going to happen. That is the goal of EVERYTHING

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I get what your going for going for but you'll get more support if you go lighter on the religious side of this. It's hard enough to get normies to accept that there is a global organized effort to reset society without saying its teh Devil behind it.

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Yes, the rest of the world will follow our downfall. But you will live under China rule

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Oh, my naive friend. China is just a bit player. They are just a player in a global conspiracy. Just like it isn't the democrats. Ukraine, China, WEF, United Nations (notice how quiet they have been?!), all the royal houses of Europe, democrats and anti-American never Trumpers are all part of it. The information is out there.

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Yes the data exists but people are too lazy to find it. they would rather stand back and toss that anonymous stone. It seems you have done your homework. The problem is we have too many willing to go about their lives in a controlled fall and counting on government to catch them.---------------- I, Grampa

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Bragg will end up losing his law license over this. People are tired of the constant theatrics and weaponizing the justice system.

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I sure hope so!! Once he loses his law license he will have plenty of time for the treadmill!!!

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This is classic penny wise, pound foolish behavior that's harmful for the country. This opens up the door to similar prosecutions from Republicans in the future against Democrats in deep red jurisdictions. A horrendous precedent.

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The Democrats based on history have become accustom to the Republican's never doing to the Democrats what teh Democrats do to teh Republicans because historically the Republicans would just roll-over, be a do-nothing party. The Democrat's can't believe that the same crap they use is now going to be used against them because that's not how its been historically and I believe it's changed now ONLY because we have non-spineless cowards in eth Republican party like Greene, Boebert, Hawley and more. We finally have Republican's who aren't establishment hacks, sell-outs or rhinos whop are forcing McCarthy to do the job of speaker. Had they not forced him as they did during his election as speaker you can bet we'd see more of the same old same old of teh past which as do-nothing. Trump inspired 100s of millions of people to step up and say F You , no more. and this disturbs Democrats more than anything else for they have grown accustom to Republican complacency ; never pushing back against what the left does.

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I didn't intend to imply that, but I can understand that conclusion. The courts are controlled by the left. DOJ and every major city DA are Democrats. There is no way a jury pool in any big city wouldn't be tainted with activists eager to protect their guy. I have zero expectation of , " oh yeah, well, we're gonna do to you what you did to Trump or J6'ers or Trump's attornies. No, my unintended consequences was aimed at that... there will be a reaction. They think they know. We all know there is no way to know. They may get away with all of this completely and California the US. The want to ruin the country and this is their chance.

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For decades the Republicans party has been a spineless do nothing group and we can't make excuses for their actions. While we expect the establishment hacks to sell us out that doesn't excuse the rest. Very few people like Ron Paul stood up against the establishment and they did a great job at limiting his ability to het shift done and that's because leaders in both parties are corrupted. If you think not then ask your self why it is that when the Republicans regain control they never undo the damage done by the Democrats when they were in power? The Dems and Reps both are corrupt sell outs working for whatever special interests provides the largest reelection campaign donations. Its sad but true, If Republican's were as against Obamacare as they claim they'd have tired to undo the bill; same goes for the National Riffle act. The fact is they do nothing to undo the damage done by the Left because they are paid to not undo it.

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Hope so. I can’t wait for that day!!

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Your gross ignorance is on display as you will GREATLY REGRET that day if it ever comes and the Commies get the control they want. You obviously know nothing about these regimes or history. Especially if you feel you'll be OK because your on the inside as most often these are the people the new powers in control get rid of so you can't replay your plan and overthrow THEM now that they are at the top.

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I think you misunderstood my reply. I can’t wait for the day the Democrats and lunatic liberals get taken down. The destruction they have created is unbelievably egregious! No conservative will ever get a fair trial in Ny or DC!! Trump will win in 2024 and dear Lord I hope the hammer of justice hits the Democrats and RINO hard!!

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Not just dems, but neocons & RINOs &ect., --- The Ruling Elite vs. all of us , the Working Americans . And it just might be the epic consequences that are coming -- are intended , wanted , waited for and planned for.

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This Soros owned pos D.A will live to regret his involvment in this charade. How can any American be part of todays Democrat party? They are obviously terrified of Trump being Pres again.

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Please wake up to the fact that this isn’t just the democrats. Where do you think the “never Trumpers” came from?!

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Never Trumpers were Democrats in Republican clothing.

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I disagree. The deep state wants Trump to be the candidate. And this will consolidate all Republican support behind Trump.

DeSantis is (was) the true threat.

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Conservative Treehouse saw this coming from a long ways off! DeSantis is the Mcconnell/Deep State/globalist pawn from the RNC.

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Absolutely and if Trump was not the threat wouldn’t you think the Dems would just let Trump destroy himself?!?! He lives rent free in their heads and they’re petrified of him! The Democrat machine knows it would easily destroy DeSantis on the national stage. He is a one term governor that has already shown them himself not strong or mature enough to take on the task of first defeating the commies in our midst and trying to save the United States! With him as part of the power base we would fail miserably! There are too many Republicans that have sold out to the Chinese and we know all the Democrats have CCP tattoos, so without Trump there is no hope! With Trump however, there is a chance to make America at the very least, pretty good again.

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" a chance to make America at the very least, pretty good again." 50/50 maybe, but regardless We must improve Our Own Personal Odds of Survival.

We get caught up in our own National Issues, which are Vital, but there Are International Issues as well. The USSA Fed Reserve Dollar is Being Dumped by The World. No Russian Banks are going bankrupt, FYI. Brutal Economics Just Ahead, May-June time frame for a more precipitous decline. What will that Set Off in turn??? Figure it out for yourself. "Politics" is a Symptom of Societal-Economical Rot. How many of Us know about US Senate Bill # 686, Sponsored by the Repub-democRats ??? It is "Legal" to Yell Fire!!! in a theater, When There Is A Fire.


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I don't trust DeSantis one bit.

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Sundance has the best political analysis out there. Been reading his blog since Trayvon days.

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One can only hope. That fat @$$ed moron is apparently far more interested in stuffing his face than seeking Justice

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What makes you think that there are any Americans in today's American party?

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Banana 🍌 Republic

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With a 🦘court...

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I have the great misfortune to LIVE in NYS, descended from 19th century immigrants. I can tell you it’s a total $#|thole state& if I wasn’t older than dirt I’d be outta here. There is nothing so stupid, corrupt, asinine, pathetic & dangerous than a Blue state.

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Im sorry you’re stuck. We escaped the Stalinist state of California right before the covid plandemic was unleashed. Best decision we made was to retire in Tennessee. These blue fascist states will continue to see their citizens flee

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I know a lot of ppl who’ve fled NY for Tennessee

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New York is the dumbest state in the union.

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Ahem - the 'reparations' that California is foolishly considering implementing may Trump the stupidity of New York!

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I dunno - banana republic New York v pro delusion CA where kindergarteners will be reading about how they can pick their delusion on “trans day a vengeance” tomorrow. Even the vast majority of sane parents won’t care enough about their kids future to keep their kids home.

We bought a second home in a beautiful mountain community outside banner elk during Covid to escape the crazy. It’s looking increasingly like it might become our main home. If this insanity isn’t stopped the meltdown in the cities is only going to keep escalating. NY and CA (and MI) are just the first to go. I still have hope for our country, but it’s fading fast. We can’t live together. I, like half the country, have nothing in common with totalitarian leftists, and despise anyone still dumb enough to vote for Democrats, and I’m a moderate who used to vote for

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There will soon be no Union to speak of. Nor a State named New York, come to think of it.

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California called....

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That's a low bar for competition.

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Oh President Trump will definitely get the GOP "nod." If not, thousands will leave that party. This indictment is only just that. An accusation. An accusation by a corrupt DA who has created his own problem by pushing this farce. I'd say his career is O-VeR!

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I'm glad it finally happened. To me it means we're close to the end of this circus the world has been going though for many, many years. Trump will win 2024 in a landslide and the D party will cease to exists. A bumpy road for sure, but this will wake up the sleeping masses, finally!

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I really really want that to be true. The coming of centralized digital currency already means we are farther along another trail, but that story is told in the book of revelation and we know how it ends.

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Thank you. You may feel lonely at times but fear not you have grasped the truth.

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Thank you right back! I needed to hear that. :)

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I think this will backfire as every thing they do.

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Duck Morris already did a story on that very premise yesterday.

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You know that this is a total load of crap.

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Mr. Brag,

The American People are no longer amused with the Lunatic Left, Globalists or petty career posers. Your Miscalculation will not go unpunished. The puppet masters that installed you, that gave you your marching orders too will pay for their treachery. You are a fool.

WE are not amused Mr. Brag and WE are the MAJORITY. Woe Unto You.

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Garbage people.

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The democrats are not smart enough to realize they just made a huge mistake. They have set a precedent that will bite them in the a**. Little do they know they just gave Trump the 2024 election.

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Let's not forget SDNY had a private law firm working for Chevron prosecute Steven Donziger in retaliation for his case won against wanton toxic dumping in Ecuador; they are no friend of justice.

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Bragg had a Clinton private Prosecutor volunteer working for him, Mark Pomerantz.

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No, but they are about to become acquainted.

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The World has gone Upside Down and Backwards the Twilight Zone is a Reality after all This MalAdinistation is Madness Must end

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The Bible did these days would come.

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Can't wait to see Missouri/Louisiana/Texas AG go after Clinton or Obama for any number of potential crimes.

This was galactically stupid on the part of Manhattan.

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Now all the democrats need to be indicted. They have all violated campaign finance laws and paid off lawsuits!

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