Anyone who reads the NYT, Google and WaPo has already been indoctrinated that Trump is guilty. However, I believe Juror#8 could be Trump's best shot. Why you say? I don't know a single fly fisherman that's a liberal. Liberal's don't fish. They expect to be given the fish.

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Good article but I doubt seriously these people can be impartial. Looking at their limited resources for news, I am doubtful

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I think 9 is lying and how the heck did number 11 even get on the jury!?!

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Great work, thank you. You gave us an insight into the jury selection process, as well as these jurors who will be relied upon to be impartial. Let's hope they are.

Of course, I think the outcome has been predetermined. This is a deep state show trial with the purpose of continuing the overthrow and usurpation of our nation.

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It's not a jury of his peers!

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Man, if this the closest they could get to a neutral jury, then I’d love to see the people Trump’s team rejected.

Unmarried professional women are biased on this by definition. Trump’s team must not have had any other choice.

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"I hate Trump and hope he is dissolved in acid eventually, but for this trial I can be fair and impartial"

"This juror is acceptable to the court."

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I still think the majority of them are lying just to be able to brag about voting to find Trump guilty. I have a conspiracy theory, there will be jury tampering by the corrupt biased legal system.

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Working in the legal field for years, it seems most jurors really want to be on a jury— especially this one, fame, fame, fame 🙄

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The concern isn’t just that they’re liars - it’s why they lied.


Exactly. Fingers crossed.

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perhaps you already know but heads-up: for sources Inner City Press (Matthew Russell Lee) also does play by play X/Tweets from inside the courtroom.

keep up the great work!


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More like a lynch mob

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There is no way any single juror - no matter his values or conscience - is going to risk hanging this jury. It's just not going to happen. As we saw with Covid, the Vax, etc. it's a very rare individual who is willing to be doxxed, villified, fired, etc. for their principles.

However, I do think there's a possibility as the weeks wear on that jurors get exposed and possibly removed - as independent journalists start digging into their backgrounds, tweets, etc. If that were to happen a number of seated jurors, well.... that would be quite something....

Let the games begin !

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Anyone who reads the NY Times or watches CNN should have been immediately dismissed.

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I LIKE YOUR STYLE.. :) we shall see.. shan't we? Way to go Techno! :)

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When the idea of an impartial jury was set in practice, most of the popular media whether squires, radio, or TV was impartial. This media provided best effort of objective reporting AND thereby set a civil moral standard for society for the same honesty and objectivity.

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