Some brilliant lawyering getting the two paramours on the record in court before dropping this bombshell.

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Old lawyer trick of hiding behind a log. Fulton County prosecution team is starting to look really foolish.

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Amateurish. You've been ushered into the national spotlight, with half the country cheering you on, and you show up with your dress on backwards and get schooled by a countrified version of My Cousin Vinny.

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I think Fani thought she was untouchable/protected? Wonder if she flips and exposes the co-conspirators in Fed Govt?

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What the fuck are you talking about her her love life has nothing to do with the guilt and seditious actions of Trump and his co-conspirators. Nothing whatsoever but you but you’re dumb fucking concert five ever seen them

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Kind ? Farmer? Justice ? You’re a big foolish American joke. Typical brainwashed Chicago deranged trump syndrome. It’s a thing. And you have it. Calling people bad names. Shame on you. Kind. Uh. Farmer. Something is wrong with this person.

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Phuk off, botboi

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Before that happens you can expect she will be found hung in a cell and the cameras will have broken 5 minutes before. Naaa...that would never happen! We have such a wonderful JUST US system.

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In this case, it looks like Wade & Willis were playing "hide the log in the hog" rather than "hide behind the log"

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I was ready for you to say, old lawyer trick of hiding in a fog...

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Who's been arrested?

This is garbage. Soap opera worthy.

The fact you're even entertaining this says a whole lot about you.

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Not even soap opera worthy. I'm sure that all these parasites in the government have dirt on them. Most are liars, con men, thieves, murderers and then just plain ol every day psychopathic control freak PARASITES!

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I have a social life has nothing to do with once daily profession. Dumb fucking Cunt

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Maybe you need to take some night classes to learn how to construct a coherent sentence. And who is the "cunt"?

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You are the current. Grandma cop is the refuge of losers, liars, and sock puppets. 95% of the time I am on Substack with iPhone dictation actually getting other things done. Take care Russian talking points and shove them far far far up your Russian ass.

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Who you would expect in an upside down system.

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And now it has become apparent that these 2 🤡🤡 are not adverse to filing false claims in court (a felony for each claim). So what does that do to the credibility of their case against DJT, et al? ANSWER: "What credibility?" This is comical🤣

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That is just bullshit pulled out of thin air with no correlation to reality whatsoever. Now you’re just making shit up. That’s why I was half of them have already played guilty? Shut the fuck up you lying bitch

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Fani's lawyer almost had her subpoena quashed when Fani stormed in like Leroy Jenkins demanding to testify. Trump is lucky she's so dumb.

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See this is the crux of the situation. You stumbled upon it. The actions by those two people which are minor and ancillary have nothing to do with trumps immense treasonous seditious incitation. The man is not worthy of the oxygen he consumes. Try to focus here. I know you’ve had so much losing anything is a big deal so you probably Jack in your tiny little penis over this but focus focus focus

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One of the results of "affirmative action" which lowers the standard for hiring to somewhere around the idiot level.

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Do you mean this to be as racist as it sounds?

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The truth. It really hurts when you actually hear it from someone you listen to…

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Talking about subject you are ignorant of is not a good optic. Lowering standards is not something affirmative action does.

Intentionally obtuse and unaware is no way to stumble through life

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Feb 26
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I repeat, intentionally obtuse racist asshole is not a good optic. Do better.

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At home and him second grade bullshit does not become you. She’s far from dumb and you are obviously a fake ass Trump Putin cocksleeve fellation tool. Get out of that basement in Saint Petersburg and lay off the vodka

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It’s not relevant to the case you’re dumb fucking Cunt

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Not brilliant, just capable.

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I believe there’s more than this that wave is trying to prevent being disclosed to the judge. I highly suspect if the judge looks at Wade’s texts, the content of those texts will reveal some conspiratorial relationship with the Biden administration or others. Their effort to prevent the judge from seeing these textsseems much more aggressive than would be warranted to just prevent this disclosure. I hope he gets to see them.

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I think that's part of the plan - to try to convince the judge that the contents of the texts should be part of the evidentiary record. He should allow for those records to be submitted in light of the factual dispute, but whether he goes that far is hard to say.

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Trump just took a dump.

It's all part of the plan.

Blah blah blah.

Full of 💩

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Biden conspiracy = that’s a Bingo!

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You fools keep trying to pin Trump’s crimes as something sinister by Biden. Wake up. Trump has always been a criminal

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If Trump is a criminal what is Biden? He's a liar, cheat, thief, murderer, lower than whale manure piece of human crap psychopathic control freak parasite. Where is Dexter when we need him? But you love him don't you? You poor poor zombie.

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Yeh, in my book, if one supports Traitors like Biden, and his admin, then one is a traitor as well.

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Wow, you are one sick puppy. Hope you get help

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I'm sick? You support the traitor of the century and I'm sick? I think those SSRI meds are messing with your thinking process.

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Oh, poor thing is triggered because someone called out his cult leader.

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WHO'S triggered. Look in the mirror girly man.

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No he’s not. You have nothing but claims. Do you have never purchased any evidence of such. Go the fuck away are you fake ass sock puppet Putin cocksucking tool

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Nice answer. Get back on your meds. You're having anger management issues. AND apparently a gradjit of the gooberment skewl cistern because your sentence structure and use of language is that of a 6 year old.

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Ad hominem Bulllshit is not credible evidence. You’re really bad at this.

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You need to provide credible evidence of your claims or shut the fuck up. You have verbal diarrhea and cognitive constipation.

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No one gives a shit about watt some fake ass silicone ship stuck in the basement in Saint Petersburg really thinks. Besides, Putin cocksleeve is a terrible résumé bullet point

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Fani: “Just cuz Mr. Wade come by with pizza at 11:30 pm and leave at 4 am don’t mean nuthin’! You burn the midnight oil, you work up an appetite! That cash you say I gave him was for the pizza and snacks he brought over! You walk into Domino’s at that hour with a fist full’a cash, you can negotiate a better price. And that’s all he did. A man ain’t nuthin’ but an Uber-eats in my book!”

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You would think the Dems would have done some due diligence before settling on Fani as their instrument for lawfare. This is comically bad.

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They need braindead, easily bought people to do their bidding. There are always people willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder.

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Brain dead like the people following this trash?

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I hope you get paid for this trolling because you are not accomplishing anything else here

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Oh so having a different opinion = being a troll. 👍

Must be accomplishing something it triggered you enough to comment.

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Well, you could make a counter argument

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You are not offering a "different" opinion, you are just slinging names at people you disagree with

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Seems you've been hypnotized. You might want to quit looking in the mirror when you ply your trade.

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The lady doth protest too much methinks. Who's following?

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🤣😂🤣 ladies and gentlemen the finest piece of projection in history!

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Don't you have to have a soul to sell? She and the twit from New York have no such thing. They are empty skin suits.

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You mean Trump enablers

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The comedy here is thinking this has anything to do with the guilt of the lifetime criminal and his co-conspirators. What a fucking disingenuous, insignificant, probably not true and it’s entirety topic.

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To insinuate there is some connection between the Democratic Party and her is the height of ignorance and Trump/Putin fellation tool existence.

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You’re kind of a leftwing Delusional Moron aren’t you Hudson? Do you want to debate anything? Steel Dossier? PeePee tape? Fine People Charlottesville Leftist Damnable Lie? Men can have periods? 67 Genders? Rotorooting a live infant out of a womb is Healthcare? Chopping the genitals off of minor children is Affirming? Open Borders and Free Shit for all is not an invitation for a foreign invasion? I can debate you and prove you wrong on anything and everything you believe right now because what you believe is real, is complete and utter bullshit slurped from underneath Don Lemon’s desk. People with IQs over 65 can see. I guess that’s why you’re blind to it. You and people that believe like you are dangerous idiots.

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I hope this is satire.

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No. No one in Washington tells her what to do. If they tried, she would tell them to take a flying fucking leap. Go away with your Putin fellation Cocksleeve sock puppet existence. It’s truly offputting

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As expected, your source is "trust me, bro", along with more ad hominem attacks. Let's just set aside the timing of when she decided to press the indictment, which by itself is suspicious. A review of the invoices that Fani's lover submitted to the Fulton County DA's office includes:

- '[t]eam meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; Research legal issues to prep intev' from April 18 to 22

- 'travel to Athens; conf. with White House Counsel' on May 23, 2022.

- 'team meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; SPGJ witness prep' on May 31, 2022.

- '[w]itness [i]nterviews; conf call DC; team meeting' from September 7 to 9.

- 'Jan 6 meeting and Atty conf.' on November 16.

- '[i]nterview with DC/White House' on November 18.

You are either utterly ignorant or completely disingenuous. It's truly offputting.

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😂😂😂 genius, "that oughta' work" said no one ever, except Wade and Willis. 😂😂

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I may not have been paying attention to the coverage - is this actually a quote from that absurd woman? smh

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It may as well be an actual quote, the hyperbole she spewed had me in stitches.

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No, it’s a satirical take using snippets of actual quotes.

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It's obvious that they scraped the bottom of the affirmative action barrel to get her. I'm surprised she isn't a lesbian too. That way they could have filled maybe four positions. A retarded black lesbian woman who converted to Judaism.

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Oh my fucking God of course you’re a homophobic piece of shit as your second Putin’s cock right now for you fake ass fucking engine prop to sock puppet

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LOL! Go back to 1st grade and learn how to use proper sentence structure, punctuation and the right words. You should be proud of being such an incoherent responder. You are SICK.

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Well, well, both lied under oath, now will they both be charged with a felony and convicted or will they escape prosecution like all the other corrupt democrats going after Trump? Good job by Trumps lawyer! Can’t wait to see the outcome. Thanks Techno for your quickness in reporting on this. So happy I’m a subscriber 🥰

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Hoping more bombshells from the texts will follow... will be paying very close attention :)

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I also am glad I subscribe, but unfortunately, my paid subscription runs out today, and I cannot resub until March 1.

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Your definition of bombshell is different than mine apparently.

Bombshell to me is releasing evidence so strong it shakes the entire world. This trash is a distraction not a bombshell. I honestly wish you weren't a coward and replied to your critics.

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Instead of covering the massive AT&T/Verizon phone outage, which is huge, you're covering this soap opera crap and calling it a bombshell.

Remember Q talking about mass media outages?

Yeah, and you're covering a soap opera.

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Outage was caused by a solar flare. Which was huge for sure BUT not something they can blame on global warming so don't expect to hear too much about it.

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Caused by a solar flair?

Omg are you indoctrinated.

You believe that crap?

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Naaa...I think the infrastructure of the Telecom industry is super well protected against a solar flare. Funny though...that is the excuse they are using isn't it? So since I'm not so quick to blame Russia or China that most likely is the reason I'm indoctrinated right Snowflake? https://www.space.com/sun-2-solar-flares-february-22-2024-cell-phone-outages I guess that the possibility of that being true, isn't possible right? Do you believe the earth is flat too? You keep coming across as someone who really IS indoctrinated into lunacy. Calm your keyboard.

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Want to bet nothing happens to them?

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Typically I would agree with you except this case has undeniable proof they lied, since it is Friday and I want to enjoy my weekend thinking they will be found guilty of lying under oath I believe they will be punished for their crimes. If they are not punished there will be consequences for all involved.

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Undeniable evidence Biden lied to.

Has he been arrested?

There will be no arrests or consequences. Guaranteed.

You have to stop following this psyop.

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Big difference between the two, Biden is being protected by the corrupt AG Garland, these two love birds are nothing they will be scapegoats by the DOJ proving they are not biased, stay tuned Sparky.

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No he's not being protected by Garland. He's being protected by the deep state.

Ya gotta wake up.

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Those are one and the same.

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Oh my God protect him from White? You fucking people are so full of shit if I took a bright red shit in your driveway is where it was yellow. Finance committee no crime otherwise he would’ve been charged with them. For fucks sake I mean I’m sick and tired and insulted by nothing but fucking claims offered and back with no evidence ever you’re fucking pathetic fucking go away you’re not even American you’re so fucking Russian silicon chip in a basement somewhere in St. Petersburg no fucking Americans that done. I mean believe me and that’s coming from someone who lives in Missouri cream to be dumber than a fucking white guy from Missouri is really fucking dumb shut the fuck up Ivan Ivanovich

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I should help. They’ve done nothing wrong. What a fucking worthless piece of agitprop silicone chip computing power you are

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Bring on the criminal charges .... Now the governor needs to step in and stop being a Trump hater ... and follow the law.

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The Governor of Georgia is a WEF member and either sold his soul, they have something on him or threatened his family. He won't do anything. He would also be called a racist. That is one of the purposes of the socialist BLM movement. You say ANYTHING against a non-white person and you will be crucified as a racist.

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While just speculation, Kemp’s daughter’s boyfriend met with an untimely and fiery end, as well.

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They already kil,Ed his daughter's boyfriend, Harrison.

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Feb 26
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Strange, did I write that? No I didn't

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There are no crimes here. You could fuck

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So explain to me what "RICO" law is in layman's term:

I looked it up and it's "phunny" ( spelled on purpose ) .. that $$$ is gained by Willis / Wade through, well (Ill-legal) pursuit of Trump.

So who is really pulling a RICO here? (o)..(0)

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A criminal enterprise between two people to defraud a Fulton County court regarding their illicit affair in order to further financial gain, etc. That's RICO according to Willis.

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Exactly - Rico Big Fani Will .. and her wad .. oops Wade.

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Sometimes cash is obtained by other means than converting public funds into a salary and then into luxury vacations.

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Okay, so where are the receipts?

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Ms. Willis evidently cannot account for having thousands in cash by producing withdrawal slips, checks made out to "Cash", ATM records, etc. This we presume since they would have been offered in substantiation of her assertions at the hearing, if they existed. It seems that there were at least some things for which she paid cash. Did it come from leftover campaign money? Who contributes to political campaigns in cash? How else might a person in a position of power and short on scruples obtain cash money?

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She went to the grocery store and "overpaid" (her words!) then she got cash back to the tune of thousands. 😂😂

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Maybe she cashed in her welfare check that she had applied for under false pretenses.

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I agree; that's my point.

Realistically many people have some cash on hand, however, I can assure you that most do not have the original $$'s they earned from their first baby-sitting job at the age of 15 yrs. old.

So, this argument that, (today especially), I cannot recall where all the cash came from, makes no sense based on "my hard work and tears". I expected a more logical and educated guess rather than such a hair brain, lame excuse.

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Wasn't her 2020 campaign funded by Soros and company? Or maybe cash donations from her "For the Love of Carla" nonprofit" recently dissolved after existing for about 8 years.


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Check with Soros,

I believe he has them

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There’s nothing illegal about the funding. They live with a Court, but hiring incompetent attorney is not illegal. You’re intentionally deflecting away from the big big big picture here. This is ancillary bullshit compared to Trump and his co-conspirators treasonous, seditious, in citation of insurrection and blatant crimes against the United States. No, you are an accomplice.

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Wow .. found him GUILTY without a trial.

Strange, I thought we lived in America: INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

He has not been proven guilty of anything by trial. But strange you have found him guilty.

But I would like you to know, that no matter what you might be charged with, I would uphold, INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

I still believe we live in AMERICA, where it's the RULE OF LAW and not "Public Opinion".

But you know what does bother me, Willis and Wade now have serious contradictory UNDER OATH statements, which means they are lying. But that's no big deal with you, unless of course it's conservatives or Trump.

Your TDS is clearly seen by all, when you ignore the RULE OF LAW & TRUE JUSTICE.

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It’s fucking obvious. Jesus Christ you can go sit on the fucking running chainsaw you Putin cock sucking piece of shit

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Well obviously, I mean ... well ... your use of Four Letter words and such .... just prove your TDS is in HIGH GEAR.

So okay ... TDS up, up and away.

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Go the fuck away your feces field skin bag. Simply observing the actions he performed ringers him guilty. You don’t need to fucking Siri reverted to go the fuck away with your agitprop bullshit. I cannot stand for it.

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Thank you Techno...there will be a spring in my step this afternoon! Next: whence all that cash?

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Congratulations you're completely indoctrinated.

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There is a reason Willis and Wade can lie with impunity on the witness stand. They have no fear of being held accountable. I wouldn't be surprised if the judge punts. The race card is very strong in Georgia, and the justice system has proven to be corrupt and feckless.

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I just wrote almost the same thing to an early post. I'm from Atlanta and grew up in who the true racists are there. Look at Wills' visit to a church recently. Played the race card violin and people (sheep) just followed their master as they keep doing.

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There is nothing illegal about fucking your coworker. Nothing big and they’re not lying.

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They lied to the court about their relationship and when it started. Fani lied about paying thousands of dollars in cash without any receipts for withdrawals and deposits. Liberals lie all the time.

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Maybe they did like in the court about fucking. That’s nobody’s business. You’re just making up the shit about the money. Either cite a credible source or shut the fuck up. Obvious Putin cocksleeve would say such bullshit

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You’re just making shit up about the cash. They might’ve lied about a personal relationship that’s a simple mistake of giving the wrong answer pick yes or should’ve been, it’s none of your fucking business but it doesn’t affect Trump and his co-conspirators guilt you dumb fucking Cunt

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No county district attorney in the country does business in cash. It is clear you don't have any values. Go to your liberal sites and post there.

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I find it strange your TDS "excuses" illegal actions of others that are indeed serious have witnesses and such to.

But, IF Trump should have done the same thing, you know damn well if he "paid cash" .. with NO RECEIPTS your TDS would be screaming bloody hell! Yes, you would and you know you would.

Another sign of TDS is when your debate points are so poor, you have to resort to Jr. High ( Middle School ) four letter name calling. Very mature, . o O ( Not. )

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It’s none of the courts business. Too bad they didn’t answer that way

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Only because it's Liberal / Dems and not Trump. Otherwise you would be so calling this out at the top of your lungs.

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Yes there is a reason. Because they have no fear of being prosecuted.

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I have to wonder at what dreadfully poor, embarrassingly poor, attorneys these people are. Stupid and dishonest without the least understanding of how to act as a witness, or how to present themselves as anything other than the venal crooks they are. You have to marvel at their "strategy." If the questioning attorney repeatedly asks you about a date, and you are lying about it, does Ms. Willis, allegedly an attorney of acumen, ever grasp that the questioner has rebuttal evidence? Why else would they ask you over and over again so that you can lie repeatedly unless they can impeach you with contrary evidence? I have to predict that Fulton County DA loses a lot of their prosecutions because they are too stupid to see obvious things.

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Did you see the look on the Fulton County ADA's when old Fani showed up in court? That told the entire story of incompetence.

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Um, Bruh “stupid and dishonest” is NOT the hill you want to die on. Trust me on this.

You don’t even hear yourself to you?

You’re fucking gene pool obviously should’ve had a lifeguard in it generations ago…….

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You just figure out lawyers are scumbags?

Good job junior.

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tRump will know everything you want to know about lying. In general and to Prosecutors. Start there….

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Like Techno, I suspect the expert continues to pore over the data & will offer a supplemental report detailing more shenanigans between the former lovers.

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What part of ? "WE HAVE IT ALL" don't you understand? Busted BIGLY they are.

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Yes they have it all and caught them in the act. Yet 8 years later not one person has been arrested. Why is that?

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Wade sounds delusional. I didn’t have anything to do with another women because my marriage ended in 2015, not when he received a divorce decree, which I don’t think he has yet. If geofencing is good enough for J6 defendants, it’s good enough for Wade.

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Judge McAfee is between a rock and a hard place.

He may lose his May election in Fulton County either way. AND the whole fault for this debacle lies at the feet of the weakling, political tool, Brian Kemp, who has been a grifter his whole life in Georgia politics.

What a Damn Sham!

Judge McAfee donated to Willis' campaign, worked for Willis' prior to Kemp's appointment (another good ole Georgia Republican appointment) and is mired deep in the squalor of Fulton County moronic, political corruption. These are not the best and brightest in the spotlight at the moment.

They are nothing more the common street thugs pretending to be college educated, Georgia licensed attorneys. How did they ever graduate from high school?

As I see it, Judge McAfee has to be one of two things:

1) Honest, intelligent, law loving and abiding in his oath of office, in which case he will toss out this entire case, prosecutors and all, right along with his own recusal.

2) Political enough to see the writing on the wall. Remove Willis and Wade and recuse himself.

McAfee is clearly compromised at this point.

What a mess!

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Being from metro Atlanta and having two parents that worked very hard on the district, county and state level for the Republican party (my dad served in the State House too), the Republican Party used to mean something. They lost that with George Bush long ago. I grew up in a metro Atlanta county's public school system. I KNOW who the real racists are. You will never get me to even discuss racism from how I as a white person was treated and what I heard. Not one time. Black people (BLM, etc) don't want to really talk about racism. They want to take us down just like South Africa. Well, look what has happened over there and in so many African countries.

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Very, very interesting.

Our daughter moved here in the early 1990's, after graduating college and looking for a job.

She had two choices, according to the job market in her field: 1) Arizona, 2) Georgia.

Because she didn't want to experience the desert, she chose Georgia.

First impression of the Atlanta area, when she reported back to 'home-base' was similar to what you are relating concerning racism in the South.

We, as children, were raised to "love" all people, regardless of the skin color. (Truth!)

In turn, my husband and I did the same with our children. Therefore, as they grew older, they had friends of various nationalities and skin color. They came home for dinner and hung out at the kitchen bar...it was no big deal.

I'm always looking over my shoulder now and getting a handle on my "where-abouts", who is there and what is going on, no matter where I am.

Today is not just another century but it's a whole different world AND it's not a Better World down South or up North, East or West.

As chilling as it seems, I find your comparison to South Africa very honest and appropriate.

Did I mention, that we were very active in Republican politics for decades, along with winning an election that really was an eye-opener for Moi?

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Sorry. One more thing as I re-read your comment: I attended a church in the Atlanta suburbs that had people with different skin colors. Didn’t matter. Not one bit. My classmates at school and I could “rag” on each other and make jokes with each other. Not know. You would get expelled as a racist. We didn’t know what that was beyond the definition because it didn’t matter and I attended public schools that were about 70% black.

A few years ago, I was back in Atlanta for a meeting and drove by the two homes I grew up in on the SE side. At the time, they were nice well-kept middle class neighborhoods where you knew everyone and the kids played together and went to the same school. You took pride in your home and helped each other now. Fast forward 40 years later, those neighborhoods were both rundown and one made me want to be out of there very quickly. White people didn’t do that.

Sorry. I get telling truths and I keep running.

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Never apologize for being who you are or telling the truth.

I appreciate your perspective; completely understand it and recognize it.

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My very first interaction with a black boy was at the age of 13. He was a bully and liked bullying white kids at our junior high. He decided to pick me as one of his victims and beat me up a couple of times. WHY? I could tell why. And this was back in 1967. The WHY was I was WHITE. Great way for me to start off my life for all intents. He wasn't the first. I found out quickly that white kids were continually being bullied by black kids in that school. NOTHING was done about it. I did get my payback though. In Senior high Stokes was in the boys shower which is one big room with shower heads on the wall. He walked up to a white boy from PE class and PEED on him. Yeah, you read that right. When I saw this, I told him, try that on me. At the time I was 2 years younger but had been working out pretty well for the last few years and had taken some martial arts to be able to defend myself. Well he did. He walked over to pee on this white boy and this white boy beat the living shit out of him. I had him on the shower floor with blood pouring out of his nose going down the drain and the coach freaking out! Someone was saying "Your going to kill him! " to which I responded as I smashed his face into the floor again and again...THAT'S WHAT I'm TRYING TO DO. TO this day, I don't put up with SHIT from anyone. I don't care what color, creed, religion you are...LEAVE ME ALONE and you'll be better off for it. JUS MEUM TUEBOR

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Good for you. Thankful someone else lived the truth as I did. I accidently broke someone's nose at PE softball. Coach said it wasn't my fault because the girl playing catcher was too close to home plate. When I swung and then let the bat go so I could take off running down to first base, the bat popped her in the nose (that was back in the days when you didn't need head to toe safety equipment to play). Didn't matter to me because I was worried I was going to be jumped for it. I never was, but I ran home every day after school until I went to high school 2 years later.

Thank you for getting payback on that racist. You gave him what he deserved. Probably did it to many and probably still does it. At least he has in his memory someone gave him a can of "WhumpAss" one time.

I was too shy and introverted to tell my parents (or anyone) what that 6th grade POS teacher said to me under her breath so only I heard her. Many years later I went to another school in the county to play for their chorus (I played the piano very well). My 7th grade teacher was now at that school (loved her!) and was so happy to see me. Then she asked "do you want to see Ms. Thomas? She is here too." I just said a firm "no!" I probably still wouldn't have said anything because I didn't have confidence in myself then either.

I will NEVER come to the table to discuss "race relations" until those cockroaches admit they are the WORST and people better wake up to what these socialists KKK members want, and are doing to our country. There is a video that was shared today of a black racists knocking a white woman to the floor in a convenience store. She walks back to the counter, gets her child and goes back and hits the woman again. Takes the child out to her car and comes in AGAIN and kicks her. Hate is learned and that child learned that hate is okay and can be violent. Nothing will happen to the racist. I will agree what one poster said: why didn't the white woman defend herself?! The woman came at her 3 times. At some point, don't be the person that "gets peed on." Stand up for yourself and defend yourself.

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I can only IMAGINE how many of us can tell those kinds of stories about our friendly encounters with boys that wanted to hurt us because of our skin color. And of course they can't be racists. Only us white folks can, because after all, we are BORN racist.

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What a fucking moron.

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Projecting a little are you?

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Too bad we can’t private message here. Would love to compare notes on politics. Nothing changes in that world except the evil is more out in the open now.

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Bruh, a conversation with yourself. Completely eliminating any credibility possibly lended.

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People cannot write an intelligent sentence anymore. I'm not your "bruh." And too bad you have no reading comprehension skills either. Now go back, find a book and look up what that is.

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GET BACK ON THE MEDS! You're so messed up by them you need to keep taking them.

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Thank you. Most people listen to me make my point and look at me like I have two heads. I was taught black on white racism by a 6th grade teacher. She was a witch to me. I don’t remember her actual subject she taught the class, but I remember what she taught me about racism.

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I understand you very well. You are armed with a great deal of knowledge and express it very well.

Honestly, that teacher was instrumental in your character foundation. I do not believe she accomplished what she set out to do, but, of course you know that or you would not write the truth of the matter.

Of course, I have experienced being ridiculed and criticized as a "conspiracy nut" with a tin-foil hat, especially during my political life. However, many now understand what I was trying to warn. Too late, now they experience it.

Honestly, I believe there are more of us then 'them', difference is others just hold it in and are constantly looking over their shoulder and walking very quickly away; far, far away......

Stay Frosty and Strapped!

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Black on white racism....NAAA that's not an issue.

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You are a lying rascist piece of white trash. Russian white trash. Go away, comrade agitate douche canoe.

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Oh, you blocked me. Boo hoo. Just proves it. Can't carry on an intelligent conversations so goes slithering away. GOOD

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And you're a mentally deranged train getting ready to go off the rails. I hope they get to you with some red flag laws ahead of time because you have some major mental issues.

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Imo, he can either disqualify (among other sanctions) or out himself as DS. Those are his choices. Cornered like the rat.

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Oh, he does have one other option... recusal. All 3 of these options have me Cheshire cat grinning.

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Very good comment MT.

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Great work, again, Techno! Much appreciated. Just one clarification. The expert is a male — Charles Mittelstadt. He’s based in Atlanta.

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Facepalm. Thank you.

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Been there done that 😃

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Great work by Trump's team. Seems those two were very busy bunnies in 2021.

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This is my experience in criminal defense. And it's why I make sure all cloud services are denied access to any of my phone data! I don't care what Apple tells the market, its access to customer cloud data is not double-blind. And ATT will quite readily tell you they grant access to client data per court order. More to the point at hand, it appears the Trump subpoenas for this data are too late to expect to recover the substance of texts from the providers. OTOH, neither wade nor Willis is a latter day Perry Mason - maybe they failed to prevent that data from saving to a cloud service....

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