Sounds like Dems saw Michael the Archangel standing protectively over PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.....😏🇺🇸🗽🦅🙌👑🔥

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on to the 14th amendment. The good thing is, all this chasing their tail and waste of time keeps them from legislating anything that would further destroy our country.

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Hello and I would love some help. How can you find out what the Judiciary Committee (specifically the sub committee on courts, intellectual property and the internet) is asking for the at the Supreme Court Shadow Docket on Feb 18th?? Are they attempting to suppress internet evidence that may be presented to the Supreme Court regarding 2020 election fraud that they know is going to be presented on Feb 19th OR are they are going to quietly submit the PROOF of internet interference in the 2020 election. I think this is SUPER important!!! And why can’t the general public see what they are sending to the shadow docket? Thank you

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P.S. I wrote to my Congress representative and asked all my family in different districts and different states to also ask their representatives the same question. We hope to get an answer:)

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We actually don't need Congress anymore The Dictator in Chief is just passing everything through executive fiat

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Judging from their track record in 2020, the Congress' agenda will probably remain the same. Figure out a way to avoid dealing with the Justice that is coming.

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Demoncrats have NO INTEREST in getting any work done for We The People. At this moment, the clock is ticking for every Demoncrat. Their goal now is to dismantle the Old Republic before Trump has a chance to run again. This will include, Statehood for DC & Puerto Rico, legalization of ballot harvesting and 12 million illegal aliens and the lowering of voting age to 16. NO GOP CANDIDATE WILL EVER WIN AGAIN. They also have to pack the courts. Fast. Any questions? How are you folks liking your Brave New World? Imagine. John Lennon sung about it and you loved it. Enjoy!!!

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