Wish I had this when I was telling my school board we should stop considering any suggestions from the CDC last night. They decided to mandate masks for age 12 and under. Gotta have a carrot for parents to get kids vaccinated when it's approved. Unenrolled my kids this morning. Sending them to school, literally in a barn, that teaches Latin and the constitution. Thanks Tech.

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Good for you! May your tribe increase exponentially.

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A responsible parent attending to your primary duty. Well done. The only way to get reform is via asserting independence. Many risked more for that.

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Jul 30, 2021
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No, they don't. When you pull your kids, they lose that head count and the dollars associated. I did it with mine over a decade ago (they are grown). They begged me to bring my kids in for the end of year standardized test so they could count them and get a test score boost from them. I said no.

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Good that you’re doing that our children have a great immune system and shouldn’t be getting this poison injections

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Amen do what you have to and protect the children

Watch Kent Christmas a pastor out of Nashville Tenn. go to you tube and search him he has a special dated July 4 th where all the prophets came together

Listen to the vary end

Start following the prophets

Robin D Bullock

Hank Kunneman

Timothy Dixon

Mario Murillo

False Point with Gene Bailey

They are coming for the children

God help us

People wake up

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I was an Infantry soldier on and inside the Korean DMZ in 1968-1969. In that area, not only was Agent Orange used, but also Agent Blue which was Crystalized Arsenic, which causes COPD breathing problems. I know, because I am rated 90% disabled and paid at 100% permanent disability because I am unable to hold down any employment due to other "chemical-related exposure" while in South Korea. Agent Orange and Agent Blue were but two of the many chemicals tested and used in the Korean DMZ area in the 1960s and on. We call them the "Rainbow Color" of chemicals. Soldiers stationed in Korea years afterward are still coming down with diseases related to these chemicals. My illnesses turned up 40 years after I left Korea, have shortened my life by at least 10 years, and made the past 12 years very difficult, frustrating, and depressive to me. But I am a survivor, and I still am fighting for my deceased brothers, their widows, and their children. My first child died 4 months after conception and was stillborn, and 15 years ago I had a grandchild born with numerous cancers, which he luckily survived. These agents were used on military bases and many other locations before they finally were stopped, but the damage was already done. Military camps in South Korea to the north of the capital, Seoul, have been turned over to the Korean Military. When inspected, many were found to be unusable, with the groundwater and the soil still showing signs of chemical saturation. This is 50 years AFTER the areas were sprayed on the ground surfaces. The military told us it was harmless to us, but they lied. Now we are left, being denied our claims and forcing us to appeal their denials, time and time again. I currently have a claim that is over 6 years old, awaiting a final VA judge to decide my fate. Many have given up, many others have died, leaving their widows to fight with the VA. Sgt. Den

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I’ve been fighting the VA for about 2 years. I’ve got a nice set of files, and their primary source fraudulent correspondence. So far (knock on wood) I have been able to counter each move on their part with proof they are wrong. Ironically, I’m doing it with their own records. My spouse has died. I fight on. I’ll fight until I win. Or until I’m dead which ever comes first. If anyone wants to compare stories or see if there is strategies we can share.. I’m Brenda at bkaye07@protonmail.com.

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Thank you for your service. It feels very small saying that after reading your comment, but I mean it. My uncle had a very similar story. Passed in 99'. He never quit fighting.

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My husband, Gary L McClellan, and I fought until a week before he died at 43 yrs young in 1995. VA is corrupt! The whole court proceedings are a sham. We had 2 appeals, massive evidence to no avail.

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God Bless you and thank you for your service

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God bless you, sir.

I am forever thankful to you for your service.

I will be praying for you. 🙏🇺🇸

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Wow, I’m so sorry to hear your story and others’ stories here. It really sickens me that this is happening to our great Patriots. Thank you for your service to this great country and God Bless you and keep you fighting!

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Saving this and sharing with those that think the CDC and Fauci are "the science" and believe anything they say! Thanks

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Fabulous to see toxic history revived and remind folks the regulatory system has been servicing profiteers for many decades. Scientific fraud is one of the biggest abuses foisted on citizens!

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Every endeavor undertaken by man is subject to political corruption and the distortion of its stated goals. Science is no exception as written about in "First Circle" by Solzhenitsyn and witnessed by US citizens during this pandemic. "Follow the Science" is a refrain heard over and over but means in essence "Listen to me. -- I am science," when uttered by a politician or most leaders. Utilization of science by lying politicians for their own ends is nothing new!

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So true, very little about human behavior changes just the cast of characters & tools for repression. That said, never before in human history has so small a cabal controlled a troika like Military-Industrial-Media complex we face now.

In my mind it's like the coup that followed the failed TPP effort to transfer global power from elected governments and sovereign rights to one planet under corporate rule with boardroom desk jockeys as judge and jury. Now it's with emergency measures.

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Techno! Wow. I had never heard some of this information.

It’s truly mind blowing that all of these men, my own dad included, were exposed to this poison.

That war ruined my dad, before I was even born. My dad never talked about what he had seen, down, or went through. Ever. He had PTSD; even though, we didn’t know that is what it was then. He had violent nightmares, depression, and many other things.

He is gone now from cancer.

Besides my personal reasons for being completely disgusted with the CDC, and government in general, just knowing that we have been lied to about everything, I just want to should from the rooftops, (as I’m sure many do) for them to wake up.

Wake up to the CDC. Wake up to our dissolving freedoms.

Waking up for me was a hard thing to do. I have no platform. I’m just a mom & wife. I fight through prayer for our country, world, and for all of you fighting for truth in our fallen world.

God bless you , Techno. Keep shouting from the rooftops for all of us. ❤️🙏🇺🇸

Great article, as always.

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Sorry for the autocorrects 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Not sure but this utilization of a chemical agent might be considered a violation of the chemical weapons ban from WW I. Though it is aimed at plants, trees and food production it is deadly to military personnel in the right concentrations and over an extended period. IS intention part of the Genera accords? Maybe it could be determined as intentional if it was utilized directly on populations of individuals living and farming within Viet Nam.

In any event this "loophole" needs to b addressed lest we further destroy the environment of our advisories. Bombs, flame throwers and uranium depleted bullets do extensive environmental damage that extends far beyond the battlefield and like agent orange reaches back into our own population and even future generations. War is barbarity against other humans but now we wreck the planet and our yet unborn citizens in the name of some political objective.

Winning a conflict usually results in escaping a "war crimes" tribunal. That should not be the case if the type of damage created by either side far out weighs the objectives of any war. Murdering over 10 million passive civilians (woman and children and non-combatants) in the Nazi camps should be a war crime regardless of who won the war. Judgements should be rendered. Even if they cannot be enforced by the current generation, those judgements and indictments should be passed on to future generations to be utilized as points for others to record the history of those responsible for the gross travesties and discourage others from decisions that would follow them beyond the grave.

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Hi Dennis, My husband was was diagnosed with malignant melanomas and severe diabetes. He was in the Vietnam era worked on equipment that came back from Vietnam. We fought for him to get 100% disability but was only able to get 50% when he died of cancer January 20 of 2017 he had cancer throughout his whole body and had one leg amputated. After his death I went to the local Veterans office and the worker gave me a box of my husband file and said it was all over and there was nothing I could do anymore to just live with it. Me and my Husband were married 40 years and now my son has Severe Diabetes and hast to take shots every day and an extra shot on Mondays neither one of his parents has diabetes. I have talk to our local senator in Oregon and he says there’s nothing that he can do either.

If there anyone who is fighting for the rights of Vietnam Ear Veterans please let me know who to contact my e-mail is pearlsofparadise@yahoo.com

Best Regards

Linda McGrew

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While many of us as dependents have had several cancers , heart disease & so on from our parents whom were in Vietnam . It is a disgrace !!!!!!

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I served with some of the guys involved w/ Op Ranch hand and they all had problems, their children had problems, etc. One guy I knew had cancerous tumors in his hands and arms from cleaning the tanks from the spraying planes!

As a young Marine in the First Gulf War, many of us have been denined treatment/payments for getting the "experimental cocktail shot" (sound familiar?) and having auto-immune problems ever since, along with other maladies.

And the Gruberment wonders why millions of us Vets REFUSE the Death Jab and WILL NEVER EVER trust the Gruberment again. They've lied, murdered, and ruined millions of Americans in their endless wars. Damn them.

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And The Patriots are Also Waking up to The Fact That Most of The Wars Were BULLSHIT!!! Our Men and Women are Nothing more than Minnons that They use to do their Bidding...It's ABSOLUTELY ABHORRENT!!! That's why there is a Video of Joe Biden saying to a Group of Military Men and Women at Some type of Gathering" Clap you Dumb Bastards" Because that's Exactly what They Think of People who are doing their Bidding!!! They have NO RESPECT and I hope that More People are Waking up to their Criminality!!!

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They continuously denied that the problems our Vietnam vets were suffering from were from Agent Orange. It was unconscionable! It became even more apparent Agent Orange was the problem when the children born to them were also affected!

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I for one am happy the VA change their minds about AO effects on Veterans. I have ischemic heart disease and chronic lymphocytic leukemia and on 100% disability.

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My sister in law’s brother was born with Williams disease caused by agent orange he’s 40; and has had numerous open heart surgeries since he was born it’s disgusting what our government does to our armed forces

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Ontario Canada.

2,4,5-t covered Students held tethered balloons while airplanes sprayed along ballon lines.

Ontario has banned 2,4-d on lawns but not on food or agriculture.

Ontario report in link provided found very low risk of disease from forestry usages of 2,4-5-t.

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What if..... Trump and the Patriots knew this all and did a "cosy" retention flight with the CEO's of monsanto and other BP-industries.... and the DEMANDED that they will put IVERMECTIM, VIT D, HCQ and SINC in the jab instead of the mRNA. That would make the blackrock-world ec forum-maffia VERY ANGRY. Trump told us that he will be away for a while.... because he made some rich people VERY ANGRY. What if Operation Warpspeed could have been "quick" because these 4 ingredients can put in a jab in 24 hours.... After reading Agent Orange, that is not the only thing BP and the DS did the lost 100 years, and Trump and the Patriots have it ALL. Beside that Putin, Xi, SA they all told lost week that they would mandate the jab.... they only can do that knowingly that the jabs are safe. They never would jeapordize their militairy and weaken their defense.... how can you expose the DS Big Pharma and their more than 100y of poisoning the people, How can you make the pro-vaXX an anti-vaXX? How do you show We The People that there is a medicine for a lot of illnesses, by putting the ANTIDOTE in the jab. Trump is the one who save the world from the DS and the one that gave the world the ANTIDOTE. After reading Agent Orange and what Putin, Xi and SA where going to do..... Their militairy ALL TOGETHER is going to take the worldwide DS QUT, because the DS is to deep and wide, there is no way that the American Patriots can do this alone, they need ALL the Patriots in the world to take them QUT. IMHDutchO

And what if the WH are using simulation patients, actors and influencers as well.... to show the people what a mRNA jab will do to a body. What if these videos are fake as well but are giving the info and truth about BP, their government, mayors, institutes etc. To show the people who is in the DS board and who gets paid by the DS. They all say chYna pays them, but what if chYna is the LAB of blackrock-vanguard-world ec forum.... chYna is the puppet-country of the real DS. And via chYna they get control of Africa, Afghanistan etc. gr from the Netherlands Collette

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Any connection with agent Orange and the product ROUNDUP also made by Monsanto and dealing with many lawsuits due to cancer from the product?

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I am one of those children. Thankfully, I have a somewhat functioning body. However after a big battle with Cervical Cancer and now Fibromyalgia I am still in pain daily. I've submitted all the paperwork, but don't expect to ever see a dime.

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I’ve never had cancer, but did have some female issues and had three miscarriages. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma. Never really considered that any of that could be due to my dad’s exposure to agent orange. He has had major heart issues because of it and was approved his full disability.

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Hi Lisa, have you submitted a children of agent orange benefit form? My dad and I had the VA help and when my issues are finally cleared for dependent (right now they are just cleared for the veteran) then I'll already be in line for review. My father is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange: Neuropathy, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, PTSD. Then from the VA disability for hearing, etc. due to the ship. I'm pending disability from SS right now because it's hard for me to be a human daily. Which makes me really mad because I've always been one to take care of myself. Admitting at 37 that you can't do the things you did before is very hard.

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