The FBI and Department of Justice are stunningly corrupt.

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Along with the rest of the alphabet soup. It all needs to be burned to the ground.

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Best FBI Memes (Kick My Door In and Send Me to the Gulag!)

- How BIG is the FBI basement-warehouse? Say the line: "Shooter was known to us!" Hey kids, want some FBI candy? Federal Bureau of Insurrections. Democrats' KGB, Gestapo or Stasi? Plus more FBI memes!


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Dc is a cesspool. Is anyone really surprised by this?

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Unfortunately, no. It's the two track justice system at work. One for politically connected insiders, and one for everyone else.

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Nothing surprises me anymore. Nothing.

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I know you won’t like hearing this Techno….

However, Lawyers must be barred from hold Public Office in any capacity…. It’s the one profession that can be linked to virtually all the corruption, unethical and criminal behavior…

Biden, Harris, Hunter, Comey, Paige, McCabe, Wray, Mueller, Wiessman, Clinesmith, Rosenstein, etc etc… All Lawyers and Zero have had their Law Licenses Revoked…. Almost 50% of Congress are Lawyers… It’s as clear as day what the problem is….

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You raise good points.

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The Bar associations protect their own--and you ain't a member of the club.

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Jul 26, 2022Edited
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In the US, so-called Bar associations are the guild for lawyers/attorneys. Appreciate the trivial coincidence...

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..and like a pack of jackals, they are attacking the one prominent political figure that ISN'T a lawyer... Donald J. Trump.

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Excellent point

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I’m a lawyer and I agree with you

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If oaths of office were upheld, with a violation of that oath prosecuted…

It would go a long way.

All loop holes closed.

Corruption must be eradicated

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Add dual-citizenship and we may have a shot at getting the republic back.

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I used to put down lawyers until a couple got me off the hook.

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Dr. Howard..... I agree with you......That's exactly why I was specific about Lawyers holding Public Office....

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It is not the career these people have chosen as attorneys, it is their lack of integrity and greed.

There are many good attorneys who would do well in public office.

And yes, "It’s as clear as day what the problem is…." It is lack of values and integrity.

Techno_Fog shows us that all attorneys are not corrupt.

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If you’re a politician who wants to serve in Congress and one of your reasons for going to Washington is to disassemble the Deep State apparatus, you’ve got my vote. The Deep State – federal government – has become a living, breathing, self-sustaining entity that is destroying our country in its quest to not only save itself from the likes of Trump, but to obtain complete control over all citizens’ lives. It must be stopped before it’s too late.

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The Federal Government has become a business, unaccountable to voters. The FBI/CIA/IRS and various agencies do want they want and cover each other's asses.

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That is the definition of the Deep State. Each agency looks out for other agencies as well as themselves. The survival of the federal government is the ultimate goal.

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It always has been. From inception

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I vote Republican in self defense as they are likely to screw me over less than the Communist Democrat party. Lesser of two evils unfortunately.

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Yeah I understand that mentality, but if nothing changes, nothing changes. I'd rather see sweeping changes if it means going thru pain, if eventually the vicious cycle of corrupt lifelong Republicrats get tossed out.

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Even Trump couldn't reform the DC bureaucracy. Then again, him appointing deep state establishment backstabbers didn't help 🤷‍♂️

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Listen to Trump's speech today at the America First Summit. You can find it on Rumble on the RSB channel. Worth listening to.

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So appreciate your time & insight to educate the masses. I read people now, not media.

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I love that line 'I read people now, not media.'

Substack- you owe this reader a beer for your new tag line.

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We already knew the FBI was corrupted when Comey said "no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against HIllary Clinton" after she blatantly ignored FOIA laws, national security laws etc. What he meant was "no Wash DC prosecutor has the courage to prosecute a case against the powerful in DC". Same is true with Hunter/James/Joe Biden.

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I am wondering just how big the FBI basement is to store all everything they are covering up: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1dafb7f9-7291-482e-8929-1a883d542a51_638x636.png

Best FBI Memes (Kick My Door In and Send Me to the Gulag!)

- How BIG is the FBI basement-warehouse? Say the line: "Shooter was known to us!" Hey kids, want some FBI candy? Federal Bureau of Insurrections. Democrats' KGB, Gestapo or Stasi? Plus more FBI memes!


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Her efforts to evade the Public Records Act were stunning. The insiders knew what she was doing and said nothing. Then the disappearance of email despite a court order to retain them was overlooked along with destruction of mobile devices. Then the discovery of code word classified with marking removed was ignored. Then the inability to ensure the security of her private server that used remote administration tools known to be vulnerable was not investigated fully. That's an awful lot of stuff pushed under the rug and field FBI agents directed to shut up.

Nothing to see here folk, move along.

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And some reports, also covered up, that her illegal system was so easily hacked it led to covert agents in the field being murdered overseas.

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Jul 27, 2022
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LOL....because WhatsApp is such a secure channel and yet YOU know the State Department used it for classified information? Do you hear yourself? Let's drop this, reality is far more interesting.

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Not sure how you know such things - WhatsApp and personal, private servers were "standard operating procedure". I do imagine many used GMail or similar largely because they are ignorant of things like fastmail or proton. But setting up your your own server and getting domain names along with MX routing are well beyond anybody's "standard operating procedure". Those of us that have done that understand what's involved.

I do think that some did use PGP and drops to handle sensitive traffic. But WhatsApp? Really? While they could have used secure in WhatsApp, most would add other encryption.

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Jul 26, 2022
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What do you mean she did "none of that"? Comey stood in front of the American people, on camera, and listed all of her crimes. And apparently you have no idea what "Orwellian" means. And who is "Mr. Pillow"?

18USC§1505 Obstruction Of Justice

18USC§1519 Destruction (Alteration Or Falsification) Of Records In Federal Investigation

18USC§1621 Perjury (Including Documents Signed Under Penalties Of Perjury)

18USC§1905 Disclosure Of Confidential Information

18USC§1924 Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material

18USC§2071 Concealment (Removal Or Mutilation) Of Government Records

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Jul 26, 2022
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I won't bother with logic & reason, maybe you should complain to Director Comey who never referred to her actions as "responsible" and called her "grossly negligent" and she "violated statute on handling classified information". I'm sure he'd appreciate your expertise.

And....enjoy your Kool-aid. LOL

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Jul 26, 2022
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LOL....someone who thinks Hillary never committed a crime calls me "gullible"? You're just here because you're lonely, right? Please find someone else to troll, I'm really not interested.

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Wow. You have been brainwashed. Perhaps it is time to dry it out and face the truth.

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Wow, way to be misinformed on every topic and too many for me to address. No oligarch in modern history can rival the corrupt fortunes of the Clintons dating back to Mena Arkansas and prisons selling AIDS tainted blood, economy destroying NAFTA. As Secretary of State she was a hit man for Monsanto strong arming gmo crop agreements and gleefully pushing war lies. Give me a flippin break. Do some research. Read the DNC and Podesta emails there's no question criminal corruption happened it's why DSW stepped down.



If Big Pharma had a party bias it would lean hard into the Democrats who have done everything to sell the lockdowns and jab mandates as government officials & sell fear and fantasy of "safe & effective" in every MSM outlet including late night "comedy" Colbert did a whole "Vax-Scene" musical costume series. Better pander to my Pillow gy w his sheets and towels than criminals like Pfizer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkFyNVtNh8

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Jul 26, 2022
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Sorry Skippy, fun guess but couldn't be farther from reality;my trust in corp media ended before Carl Bernstein's 1976 piece in Rolling Stone that confirmed findings of Church/Pike Committee Reports. My faith is in my own critical thinking and primary source documents along w career in DC that went from Watergate to Bush Sr. Since name calling is all you've got you should polish that skill.


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Jul 27, 2022
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Special prosecutor needs to be appointed right now related to Hunter Biden issues. Mid-term elections are irrelevant. Where is the Inspector General on the FBI corruption ? Why did these WB have to go to Grassley ? After mid-terms, we need an investigation into FBI upper mgmt corruption - I'm sick and tired of this stuff. It's time for serious changes at the FBI - perhaps decentralize and get them out of DC.

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Unless they find a way to take these prosecutions and grand juries OUT of Wash DC, no Democrat will be convicted. The entire town owes its job to Democrats, they aren't about to convict one of their own.

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"The FBI is corrupt" is filed under "Duh"; not "Breaking News".

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Even if Hunter is prosecuted, don't be fooled, a biased DC jury will let him off the hook.

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Both DOJ and FBI need desperate reform, starting with firing every person in the head shed. The next idea would be to separate every investigation from the leadership. Then we need to get the secret courts to be non secret (maybe even turned off completely since it has been bastardized to do things it was never meant to do - like spying on American citizens without a warrant).

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Jul 26, 2022
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Then give another suggestion.

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Jul 27, 2022
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You are correct: It's too late to try to save the Republic.

There is only one viable option at this point: Every State where integrity and sanity still prevail should begin the process of asserting its independence and becoming its own Republic, asserting its right to self-determination. The Texas Nationalist Movement is leading the effort in Texas.

texitnow org

tnm me

There are over 420,000 supporters and growing.

The TNM has put TWO planks on the Republican Party of Texas platform calling for a referendum on independence, and it will pass once it is placed on a ballot.

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Nothing will happen, election season is underway. Grassley and Johnson had plenty of time to expose the corruption in the FBI and DOJ because the conservative media had already exposed it before hand. This is DC and no criminal charges will be brought against any member of the FBI and if it does happen, then the 90% of the electorate in DC will just find them not guilty.

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They are the minority and have no power to do much of anything. They have a FBI whistleblower now and they've been running it as hard as they can.

Do you see the Dem Leftist media reporting on any of it? It would be a headline story if it was reversed involving President Trump and/or his family.

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Although they are in the minority, they could have still released this earlier and exposed the FBI agents involved. They have access to all the conservative media, but have yet to go TV to expose the corruption.

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As you Read on this thread,

Exposure is happening,

A Red Wave will follow.

Thank you Technofog

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Hey, wait a minute...

Didn't FBI head Wray himself say there's no such thing as a Deep State?

We're in need of a massive bull to show up in this DC china shop.

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Fbi will cease to exist, this is their death toll.

Lower Order Whores.

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Defund the FBI and the DOJ.

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Who doesn't know Biden will pardon his son as fast as a speeding bullet and we'll be angrier than ever before it that's even possible...

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The FBI will need to be abolished, with their duties being assigned to the US Marshall's service. Having served over 32 years as a local police officer, it is my opinion the Deputy US Marshals possessed the greatest integrity of all Federal law enforcement agencies. The FBI is hopelessly corrupt to the core. It would be easier to tear it down rather than attempt to reform it.

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