Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

For folks facing a mandate, I recommend adding https://coffeeandcovid.com to your bookmarks. The writer has a template here (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-wednesday-october-68f) which I think is very good. He successfully defended the City of Gainsville FL employees against their mandate, and knows the battlefield. There's a video of his with more good advice here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOAdIYxvSYU&t=12741s

I myself was terminated last week, after having a religious exemption denied. A group of us filed suit for wrongful termination, which is currently making its way through the courts. I believe that if I had followed the advice listed above, I would have been successful in keeping my job.

A few points:

* This is a spiritual war, armor up before entering the battle (for Christians, see Ephesians 6:10-18). The daily pressure I was under to get injected before the deadline was the most oppressive psychological attack I've ever endured (think grade-school bullying, x1000).

* At our organization, some people had a decades worth of approved flu vaccine exemptions. They were denied the covid exemption.

* If you can get a lawyer to review your request, I recommend it. Keep in mind that most that are willing are swamped with requests. Be patient.

The only way we can all collectively beat this is to not comply. Stay strong. Stand firm. I believe these will all be struck down by the courts, eventually. There will be quite a few job casualties in the meantime. Prepare ahead of time if you can.

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Thanks for that. Please let us know the result of the suit.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

There a conference tomorrow, 11:30am EST, open to the public if you want to listen in. Discussion of Discovery and Disclosures is the agenda, I believe. mad.uscourts.gov, Justice Saylor presiding.

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Our suit is proceeding, with our next status conference on Dec 14th. The group has a fund raiser here, if one is so inclined (but only if you are able!) to contribute:


We're a mix across a range of health-care workers---medical technicians, electricians, doctors, academics, and mostly nurses.

We are at the "Vidi" stage. "Vici" is on the horizon, God willing.

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Hello William, Any wrongful termination suit updates?

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Since YT took down the original video, here's an alternate version: https://www.bitchute.com/video/QFfNNy9pjjWo/

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I'm employed by a fed agency. Still waiting for their "approval". I will appeal the denial. Our union is in bed with the $$$. They are useless. Thank you for this information.

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The Coffee & Covid video you linked to was taken down by YT…

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Uggh. God-less commies strike again. I'll see if I can find it elsewhere. I saved a copy too (of the full conference), so it's not lost forever.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

It's important to note that we don't have to solely rely on the courts and politicians, many of who are missing in action. God gave you a voice; use it. I am speaking up. I am commenting in the local newspaper's comments sections following each article. I am engaging those who don't agree with me. I am offering a reasoned opinion, trying not to get in the mud with the haters. I think of Rosa Parks who was tired and wouldn't give up her seat to a white man. She wasn't seeking fame and glory. She had had enough. Speak out respectfully to your friends and family. Let the LORD speak through you. Ask the Holy Ghost if it's His will for you to be a leader. Many of our shepherds have thrown down their staffs and left the sheep vulnerable, but our Good Shepherd has promised never to abandon us. Be like Maximillian Kolbe, "a Man for Others."

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Thank you for that

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I work for a medical device company and had a November 22 vax deadline. I was able to get a religious exemption. COVID and Coffee was a great resource. I would also highly recommend the Liberty Counsel site. A lot of really good information. Under their legal help section, there is a section titled “Questioning Religious Beliefs is Unlawful” and it is well worth the read. I would also highly recommend looking into the fetal cell lines used in the development of all available COVID vaccines in the US, especially HEK 293 which was used for both Pfizer and Moderna. Read the article Exploring the Dark World of Vaccines and Fetal Tissue Research: Part 1 by Monica Seeley. Good luck to all those seeking exemptions. DO NOT COMPLY! We need to all stand together!

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I can't say with any authority but Robert Barnes has often stated on VivaBarnes that no specific religious cannon is required when claiming religious exemption. Meaning you don't have to be Christian, Muslim, Hinu etc - they can't point to the Pope and say "well he says it fine so checkmate"

They aren't even allowed to question the nature of your "religious" objection - we spent the last 100 years putting these protections in place and they can't be swept away so easily

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That is true - religious exemptions are available for those outside traditional religions, and for those who disagree with the orthodoxy within their own religion. (However, they can ask some questions about exemptions.)

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With some people saying mention aborted fetal cells and some saying don’t how are we supposed to know what to do?

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I used Buddhist “ no killing” principle and I pointed out that fetal cells is involved in killing. Got it approved.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and my oncologist would not give me a medical exemption. Yes, I did let him know that they did not do testing for people that had this disease. He still wouldn’t give it to me. Then I submitted a religious exemption and the hospital I work for In Philadelphia denied it. Yes, I put in there that they used aborted fetal cells and that God gave me an immune system, blah, blah, blah. I was fired in November 8. So my oncologist denied me a medical exemption and the hospital denied me my “RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.” So what do I do now? I will not put that crap in my body!

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Sorry to hear it. Wish we could have helped back before you were fired. There is always the option to seek out an employment lawyer in your area. Not sure if they are taking these cases. Options are unfortunately limited - but would love to help get you in touch with another doctor if you need a medical exemption for future employment.

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Thank you. I would definitely need another doctor to try and get a medical exemption for future employment. Unfortunately, the City of Philadelphia is so corrupt that I wouldn’t know where to begin. If you can be so kind as to point me in the right direction to seek out another physician that would be great. I have lost my health insurance and really need that. I submitted to a darn flu shot for the last few years and I believe the flu shot gave me CLL and now I won’t go near any of that crap any more.

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Do you know of employment lawyers available?

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This is why you never try the medical!! Doctors are all part of the Medical Mafia! NO ONE has the right to deny your religious beliefs!!

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thank you for posting this, Techno Fog.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Explain to me this,

If they're admitting that the "Vaccine" doesn't work...

Then by definition this is not a VACCINE...

Then how can they mandate that you have to take this "Shot"?

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Right. But the definition of "vaccine" was changed this year so that they can call it a vaccine, even though it is nothing like traditional vaccines and does not confer immunity.

The CDC’s definition changed from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to the current “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” How convenient!

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I'm a federal employee. Am I out of luck? Why is the mandate unconstitutional for some but not for feds?

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The federal employee mandate will also be challenged in court. However, no courts have stopped that mandate - and there is no telling if the challenges will be successful. You have medical/religious exemption option. I know you've filed the RE and that it hasn't been denied. If they ask for more info, please reach out and I can assist.

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I'm just not understanding why there is no help or lifeline for the fed employees who are directly associated with an agency. Not the "quasi employees". Not to minimize their status, but there is no one standing up directly for us. Our unions are useless.

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Good to know. I'm in the same boat. I got an email from RE stating they are "reviewing my request", so I haven't been terminated or counseled yet. Latest word is that the mandate was put on hold until after the holidays. How kind of them. Don't fire us before then because....well...bad optics. It's going to take them awhile to get through the backlog. Unless they just do a "blanket rejection" for all at once.

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I just got the copy of the lawsuit today. It was actually filed 11/12/2021. I deleted my other comment because I had the date wrong.

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Now that Biden has admitted that there is no Federal solution to Covid and should be handled at the state level, do you think the Federal employee mandate will stick?

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Thank you!!!

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Federal employees have very strong religious protections under RFRA, so a religious accommodation request is the way to go while all the lawsuits work themselves through the courts.

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I filed an RE but have not heard anything. If rejected I will file a complaint with the EEOC. I just cannot believe a jab that doesn't work and causes more harm than good is being mandated. Something sinister is going on.

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Something sinister for sure. Sounds like you're taking the right steps. They have to approve the exemption, so that should help for now.

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By law they have to but not so sure they will. I am trying to delay as long as possible till this all goes away. Maybe that's too hopeful thinking.

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I don't think it's too hopeful. We're winning in the courts and we will win in the end. I know many companies have refused religious accommodations early on, trying to bluff and intimidate their way into coercion. I doubt many will try to do so at this point. Why do you think they won't approve it?

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My RE is more of a spiritual exemption. The law applies whether you are Christian or atheist or if you are spiritual but I believe they will deny because they want us jabbed. Oh, and I work from home 100% with the occasional short office visit to get supplies.

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Unfortunately they don’t have to take them! Many have already been denied!

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Everyone has the right to a religious exemption under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. If they flat out deny, they are breaking the law and a complaint should be filed immediately with the EEOC. Employers are required to provide an "accommodation" to any and all employees who invoke their federal legal RE. That accommodation then gets negotiated between employee/employer.

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They sure do. But our supreme ruler doesn't seem to care about Constitutional law.....or any law, for that matter. A mandate is not a law. The position they've put us in is completely impossible. No jab, no job.

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Unfortunately, right now in a lot of workplaces it seems to come down to how anal the HR department and/or board of directors are. And since anal is kind of an HR job requirement and BOD's generally only care about their own bottom line..

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They are not theologians, how can they say your beliefs are not valid? But I get what you're saying.

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My sister is being told they can denied any and all exemptions

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If they deny, they are breaking the law. Under Title VII of the U.S., Civil rights act, we ALL are afforded an exemption. We are not "asking" for an exemption, we already have it. By INVOKING our legal, federal right to a religious exemption, the employer is required to provide an accommodation - that gets negotiated between employer/employee. Tell your sister to check out Peggy Hall's The Healthy American dot org where she will find TONS of info on the law, answers to every possible question about this matter, and help on how to navigate exemptions for jab, mask, testing, etc. Knowledge is power!

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The thing that gets dicey with an exemption is that if it causes the employer an "undue hardship" and they cannot offer you other employment, you are SOL. That's how they will try to get around it. I'm in a field position. I may not be able to be re-assigned without taking a huge paycut.

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Try using the letter Robert Barnes drafted. It covers every possible angle of objection.


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The cited letter would not fly at my (previous) employer, and I [just some rando' on the net] would recommend against it. Too much science, and it hits the "declining for secular reasons, but requesting religious reasons" metric that many hospitals are using to deny requests.

I do like the strategems approach linked elsewhere here: <quote>I am a Christian. I believe in prayer. I prayed to God on whether I should receive any COVID-19 vaccines. God told me no. If I get a COVID-19 vaccine, I am violating the direct will of God. Thus, I cannot get a COVID-19 vaccine and hold true to my religious beliefs.</quote> Childers' example is along the same vein, but with more details.

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The Emergency status is what does it. We have a situation where all rights are suspended at such a time. This was brought into legislation about ten years ago, if I remember correctly. What needs to happen is a challenge to prove up the science in court. The health authorities need to be brought to the stand and worked over hard, bringing expert medical and research witnesses to bring in the real science to challenge them. Then it will be over.

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But they are all in bed together. Who will challenge CDC? Who will prosecute this case?

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I know this is a few weeks ago, but did you receive an email last Friday acknowledging your status is pending? I got that email but nothing else. It's only the 5th of December. A lot of people across the workforce have "use or lose" leave, so I'm sure nothing will happen before Feb (at least I hope not). Some take the whole month because of the amount of use or lose before 12/31. Others have a couple of weeks. I just can't see much happening before the first of the year at the earliest, simply because they don't have the personnel to work everything. My agency is backlogged processing correspondence from over a year ago. Hang in there.

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I had to go on-line to check a box to show that I had put an RE in but no email confirming so. I am also disappointed/confused why no one seems to care about federal employees. I guess it's because the public doesn't think highly of us anyway. We don't have any leverage like the Southwest Airline employees have. Congress wants to help private sector employees but not federal employees. Does not make any sense. I hope you are right about it taking a long time to go through the exemptions and hopefully by then, this mandate will be gone for everyone.

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I got another email today from our union and from EDI disability (processing our exemptions for my agency) acknowledging they are still processing my request. The email specifically re-states that punitive measures will begin "as early as the beginning of February".

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I guess we'll be the only workforce fired for not getting the jab.

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I just got an email from our union president basically telling me what I posted as far as timeline for processing RE. I put mine in 10/11/2021. Yes, everyone sucks, to put it bluntly. I take pride in my work. 13 years of service and they want to screw us. Bitter much? LOL. EDI (disability) will send an email confirming. I sent mine in so much earlier, so it's quite possible that it's just taking awhile to acknowledge. Screw their "deadline" as far as submission. You can INVOKE your religious freedom any time you want. I have proof of the email I sent, because I sent it via my work email.

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divide and conquer. the feds do NOT have the legal standing to demand this of the population; if they did, they'd do it in one fell swoop. Due to this, they devised a piece meal plan that attempts to coerce smaller 'groups' of workers hoping to get it all entangled in the already over taxed court systems. It IS unconstitutional for all, but this is why they're doing what they are doing.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Carrie my husband is a federal contractor and he put in his religious exemption about 4 weeks ago. We finally got it approved this past Monday. It’s taking them a while because they are now flooded with them. I would submit your ASAP and don’t do anything until you get approval. Good luck 🙏🏼

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Congrats to your husband!! I submitted my RE on 10/22. Just waiting now.

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Also, you're not out of luck. Read the entire article; medical and religious exemptions - work aggressively towards these. Site has provided a great summary of what YOU need to do.

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There are many lawsuits by fed employees but it is taking time to get to the courts. I may be fired before that happens.

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Let them fire you. You won't be eligible for UE benefits either way. (If you quit vs being fired). If it does get tossed, you'll be reinstated. I'm not going without a fight.

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The senate will likely pass a ban on the mandates for private sector employees. What about us??? Congress isn't mandated yet they won't stick up for fed employees - only the private sector? This is so wrong!!

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CMS is now exempted from the mandate in all 50 states.

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The government has hired clergy to review the requests. They are playing dirty pool.

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I don't see the point in this as one could be an atheist and still be allowed a religious exemption but that's how this administration works. ha ha

I'm new to substack. How do I direct message you?

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I was wrong. I can't email you via substack. I can email the link to the thread to another actual email address, but not to a substack member. Probably for privacy reasons.

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If you click on my bio, it should give you an option to email me. It will show you my name with an arrow directing you to the right of the pic. Click on it and it should give you a drop down menu to post to social media and the fourth item is an envelope which allows you to email another member.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Thank you very much of this important information, have passed the link along to impacted family members.

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I am posting a parody that I wrote to the song "For What's it's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield. This is your forum and I don't wish to get you in trouble in the event that I violated a copyright. I think my parody is covered by fair use, but as an attorney, you are a better arbiter than I.

Find a karaoke version of the song with no singer and sing along.

There's the Wuhan Virus happening here

The attempt to control is exactly clear

There's a man with a hypodermic needle over there

Telling me my arm I got to bare

I think it's time we stop, Christians, what's that sound

My immune system is what's going down

There's large unemployment payments being drawn

Nobody's working and everybody’s armed

Young people speaking their minds

Getting banned from Twitter and the New York Times

I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

The Constitution says you’re out of bounds

What a field-day for Big Pharma

I hope they get a big pile of Bad Karma

Watching CNN and MSNBC

Mostly say, kneel before the FDA and the CDC

It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound

Under my mask I’m wearing a frown

Moderna strikes deep

Into your RNA it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

You step out of line, POTUS will come and take your job away

We better stop, hey, what's that sound

Small businesses are what's going down

Stop, hey, what's that sound

We’re being lied to by that Fauci clown

Stop, now, what's that sound

My right to choose it can’t be found

Stop, Patriots, what's that sound

Under my mask I’m wearing a frown

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Nov 23, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I meant to add that you should delete my post if you determine that I violated the owner's copyright Thank you for indulging me.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

My sister is a CNA at a Nursing home here in Illinois. The nursing home is state run and she was told she HAS to take the clot shot or lose her job. Pritzker is making it very difficult for people to keep there jobs if not jabbed. She has had cv19 and has natural immunity but they told her that wasn't enough. Please help

Thank you


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Can file medical exemption arguing natural immunity (testing to confirm would be necessary), coupled with medical history that puts her at risk for the shot (if applicable). Doesn't mean will be successful - options are limited in Illinois, especially at a state-run facility. Wish I had better news.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Drawing from what I've heard from nurses in my area, it they can organize and stand firm as a group, they would likely have more success than specific individual actions or by relying on remedies through the court system. Our group found each other on facebook, although word-of-mouth may be enough if the facility is small enough. One of the smaller hospitals in my area has started granting exemptions (today!) after many of the nurses all vocally said "we will not comply". Faced with a high percentage of defectors, the hospital appears to have backed down. (Not sure that would work against entities as large as the IL state government, though)

Things are moving much faster in Florida. If your sister decides to go the litigation path, there were some very significant 5th Circuit Court findings that she can use for support. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qi7x86dxiyh8e0w/20211110%20-%20Ascension%20Injunction%20Ruling%20Excerpt.pdf?dl=0

(This transcript is from the Childers' Ascension case) My hope is that all the mandates collapse before Christmas. It appears to be trending that way.

Everyone: I think its important to understand that the hard-lines the hospitals are taking are being driven by CMS, through Medicare/Medicaid payments. Some hospitals draw 70% of their income through CMS. As immoral as it is (https://alachuachronicle.com/bhattacharya-kulldorff-vaccine-mandates-are-unethical/), the lack of accommodation for alternate treatments or natural immunity in hospitals and care facilities is coming from the US Gov via CMS. (Thanks, Brandon!)

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Unfortunately things aren’t moving any faster in Florida. Our governor talks big on TV but with the Medicaid and Medicare thing going on nurses and Drs are still screwed. We all still have a deadline!! Well all that haven’t already complied!

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

If the stay has a constitutional basis, why does this only apply to employers of 100 or more? Does the constitution not cover federal employees, contractors, or medical staff?

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Because the OSHA mandate applied to employers with 100 or more employees. Separate lawsuits pending for federal contractor/CMS mandate.

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog


These are the best two sources I’ve found:

•Watch this and check out the links on his website: https://essentialliberties.com/2021/09/30/watch-best-method-for-writing-religious-exemptions-for-public-private-employers-on-the-internet/

•And this is a must read, too: https://stratagemsoftheright.blogspot.com/2021/10/what-you-should-know-before-opposing-us.html

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

I'm a nurse and our hospital notified us that exemptions need to be filled by November 30 or shots must be taken by December 6. The form we need to complete includes questions on previous vaccines and last date received along with other medications taken. There are approximately 30 OTC meds on a list that are created with fetal cell testing including acetaminophen and ibuprofen, among others. How do we get around this?

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You might be able to get around that by stating your knowledge of aborted cell lines is recent; that it informs your current decisions, including the OTC medications (from which you abstain). These questions are meant to question the veracity of your beliefs and whether those beliefs are sincerely held. Don't give an inch!

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You don’t have to answer those questions. Your sincerely held beliefs are yours and cannot be questioned, changed or denied!! You don’t even need to mention the aborted fetal cells. Watch Peggy Hall—an experts on how to get your exemptions approved!! https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

Have you looked into the EEOC laws regarding Genetic Discrimination? It states that you cannot discriminate against someone because of the possibility they may acquire a disease or sickness based on genetic information. https://www.eeoc.gov/genetic-information-discrimination

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Yes. GINA. Your genetic information is supposed to be protected and they cannot discriminate based on that. The precedent that created the GINA act is because of AIDS discrimination.

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Techno Fog

My employer is under the CMS mandate. I work in a finance office of this organization. Recently I got over Covid and I have had one shot. An individual who I knew died from Covid, and frankly, I got scared and got the first shot. Now, especially after getting over Covid, I do not need the second shot. Can I get medical or religious exemptions? Where can I find a doctor who can give me a medical exemption. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

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Check with company policies on whether they allow for medical exemption where you've already had COVID. You can still apply for religious/medical exemptions, if applicable to your beliefs or medical condition. Not sure where you are located so it's difficult for me to give recommendation on medical provider. Maybe start with your primary care physician?

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