As this investigation keeps obtaining documents and other information it will be impossible for the guilty to escape having their actions made public. Whether this leads to trials and incarnations is another matter entirely. The A.G. himself won't be able to stop this snowball as the evidence and direct witness testimony becomes part and parcel of U.S. Court records.

Durham is probably concerned that he will be cut off at the knees by the political operatives within the DOJ and Administration. At this heats up these guilty parties will become so hot that no one with an ounce of integrity or brains will touch them much less do anything to truncate this investigation. Hillary's many minions must be shaking in their boots since they know they are close to becoming the sacrificial lambs as she maneuvers behind the scenes to escape any responsibility for this treasonous coup attempt.

Obama, Biden and other top Democrats are probably pulling every string and favor at their disposable to stop this landslide of information from getting into the public record. Merrick Garland is most likely under heavy pressure to put a quick and decisive end to this NOW.

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I'm curious if Garland/Biden don't mind this playing out because it implicates the Clinton machine...

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We all know that there's no love lost between Obama and the Clintons. Isn't Obama the shadow ruler now?

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Hussein still hasn't congratulated the Basement Dummies win scoring 12 million more votes than Hussein b/c everyone including the Kenyan knows the vote was rigged.

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I could care less, the entire Biden, Clinton, Obama, Bush Organized Crime Mob is being prosecuted under RICO Laws by Special Counsel John Durham & nothing can stop it.

Gonna be a rope shortage & another ammo shortage for Gallows & firing squads, we don't have enough prison space for all the Democrats infesting every branch of government.

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"I could care less"

How much less?

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Self explanatory.

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**COUND'NT** if you could care less, then do so.

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When you (correctly) criticize someone's idiom usage, it's helps if you don't, in the process, misspell "couldn't".

And if you're picking nits, you might also want to criticize the use of "incarnations" when the word likely intended was "incarcerations".

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How do you feel now, knowing that Durham was bunk?

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If one believes the current narrative pushed by online Trump voters, Garland/Biden should be scared shitless

I suspect less than 10% will actually spend more than two seconds considering it logically

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If you follow Durham filings you know they will all be indicted or commit suicide.

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I get what you did there "commit suicide" a la Espstein.

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Dennis! That tenacity! Soon you’ll see the giant light bulb.

You won’t be happy at first because you’ll consider how rough you’ve been with people about their opinions.

Soon my friend, very soon!

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Use that brilliant mind!

Start connecting dots!

You see the crimes but you don’t see the REAL WHY yet.

In order to see truth, you must eliminate everything you believe based on biases.

I know you can figure it out !!!

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Do you follow theconservativetreehouse? What do you think of TCTH's claim that Durham won't actually indict anyone in power? Elias is fair game, tho.

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I use to, but haven't lately. Very good websight with lots of court follow up.

Now that I follow the Reactionary, I get an email every time Durham files papers.

It's free & the best behind the scene analysis on Special Counsel John Durham of everything that will happen to every branch of the U.S Government infested with Democrats & RINO's who will be indicted.


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Techno, Again. Your word choices give me pause.

Great but simultaneously odd.

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Techno Fog is an anonymous Constitutional Lawyer who gets all of Durham's current filings from PACER. I use to have an account too to prove to Democrats all the filings made against them of which are in the Tens of Thousands. It got too expensive so I just subscribed to TF's letter since He/She is paying for it & I followed the account on Twitter before I was permanently banned for telling the Truth anyway.

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Nobody can touch Special Counsel John Durham except Biden, who can legally fire him but he won't, bc Trump never fired Mueller.

Biden/Democrats painted themselves into a corner which Trump brilliantly navigated with time, logic & patients.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Checkmate. 3D Chess.

Q & Q+ were right about everything.

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Biden won't touch Durham since the Clinton wing of the DemParty is being destroyed. The Marxist Left is dancing in the aisles

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I think you’re right. Joe will go down with Ukraine and that laptop. The storm is going to be multi-fanged and it is going to be glorious.

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Not sure it's in the political interests for the Biden Administration and their progressive allies to prevent the knee-capping of Hilary and her political prospects.

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You might be correct since the Clinton machine has bilked and run the Dem Party into the ground. Their power seemed unbridled and irresistible but the marshaling of public opinion and outrage against the aging and tattered Clinton/media juggernaut appears to be the final death knell for that shopworn cabal from the last century. Bill looks like death warmed over and she is a overwrought incoherent shrew preaching to yesterday's "liberated woman" and their faux male like partners.

In short their time has long past and the revelations about their past deeds both illegal and quasi-legal will make for cocktail party chatter for the next generation of political elites. Hillary is not just toast but burnt toast and powerless to avoid the exposure that was so long in coming.

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Oh please, not the 3D Chess cr*p again! Nobody cares about Hillary or the Clintons anymore... Durham will only be fired IF he gets close to the Obamas OR if these media revelations can't be suppressed as the media will demand him to be fired...

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Absolutely, everything Q said is coming true. Including the MAGA Super Majority this fall now that we can catch vote rigging & watch the arrests in real time right down to the address & phone number of the riggers with the newly installed FPEIS Integrity system when Democrats weren't looking.

Trust The Plan.

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I’m impressed with the system’s ability to detect fraud and report it in real-time. But snapping a pic of the fox as he enters the hen house doesn’t save chickens. If we fail to prevent election fraud from happening, our justice system either doesn’t have the ability to step in , OR simply refuses to get their hands dirty. One is as bad the other. Until courts decided to restart their testosterone supplement program, lawlessness reigns.

There was a time, not so long ago, that I believed Killary to be one of the most brilliant evils of our time. But as we know “you don’t know what you don’t know until you know it”, and so it is that I have dethroned Killary and awarded Soros with her cherished crown.

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Actually Im thinking Obama is the one pulling the strings. Soros is just the money man.

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That is awesome …..

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Where is JFK jr?

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He died in a plane crash.

You can't be that stupid.

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Then why did Q say he was working for Trump? I know hes been dead 20+ years.. but since you but so much stock in Q then you must believe hes still in hiding somewhere.

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Q said Trump would be president by Christmas of 2021...............

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No he didn't.

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How do you know its a he and not a her or a them? You make assumptions about things you can not backup.

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There is ZERO possiblity Trump will become president this fall or anytime before Jan 20 2025. NONE, NADA. There is no constitutional method to make him president before then Even if there was absolute proof beyond a shadow of a doubt and all democrats agreed it was stolen, there is no way to make him president before 2025. If Biden is removed, Kamala becomes prez.. if both get removed Pelosi becomes prez. Then Pat Leahy and on down.. neither Trump nor any Republican is on that list.

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Democrats were stupid enough to take pictures of their ballots they faked so they could get paid which will result in their arrests & Treason Convictions.

It's all on video & made into a movie. Nice of these morons to donate their cell phone numbers & geolocations with those photographs.

How many ballots did you & your family rig?

Trust the plan, there's no escape.


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See how much Trouble your Party is in?

Nobody will ever vote for a Democrat again except maybe you.

Every branch of government is infested with your Traitor Filth.

Trust The Plan

Enjoy The Show.

3D Chess.

Greatest Military operation in the history of the world.


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My party? maybe you cant read. I'm a Trump/DeSantis supporter. But that doesn't change the fact there is no way for Trump to become president before the 2024 election. No matter how well its proven the election was stolen and regardless of how many people go to jail over it. there simply is no way to reinstate Trump. Get over it and make sure it doesnt happen again. The concern should be passing a constitutional amendment to address this kind of scenario. Remember what John Adams said.. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” There are no protections against cheating in a federal election like this.

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You are both correct and sort of incorrect.

If Trump is nominated and accepts the Speaker of the House role, he won’t be president as we know today.

However, prior to the Constitution we had 14 Presidents prior to Washington.

Their title(s) were: President of the United States in Congress Assembled.

They were more similar to todays speaker of the house position.

So there’s that

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I'm 100 % correct.

The Presidential line of succession enshrined in the U.S. Constitution that I've linked to numerous times is crystal clear. There is zero ambiguity.

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You won't be able to cheat or rig the vote anymore either thanks to the New FPEIS Election Integrity system installed that catches Democrats cheating in real time including Addresses & Phone numbers.


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Trump becomes Speaker this fall, Pelosi & Every Democrat lose their committee chairmanships. 34 Democrats including Pelosi are resigning some have committed suicide.

Hillary just pled Guilty to Lying to the FBI funding the Russian Collusion Hoax.

This has not been updated to 34+ Dem's resigning hoping to get sanctuary out of the country.


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Trump has stated this is an interesting idea, but just a few weeks ago he said he would not be pursuing speaker of the house. It has nothing to do with how many RINO'S or liberals, etc. He has decided this is not the path he has chosen.

Speculation might be fun but it takes you away from the facts of reality.

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Trump is NOT going to become speaker this fall.. #1 there are too many antiTrump RINOS in the House and #2 Trump would never accept it. I have a sneaky suspicion he will not be running but will be backing DeSantis. I could be wrong but that would be the really smart move. Be active and take the hits from the dems giving some cover to DeSantis.

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I don’t want Trump. DeSantis2024.

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I love Ron DeSantis, but I don’t think he is ready. Once Trump’s term is up, Ron DeSantis should be the next move. We need to stomp these globalists out.

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DeSantis will be a great follow up after Trump finishes out Biden's term, then re-elected for another 4 year term. we have 5.5 more years of Trump first.

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It doesn't matter what DeSantis or you wants, he/you have no say.

Super MAGA Majority (Matt Gaetz & Vernon Jones) is going to elect Trump as Speaker of the house, then impeach Biden/Harris Crime family for Treason & murdering 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, Speaker becomes President until the General election where Trump will win again as the incumbent. That's 6 years Trump will be your favorite President b/c you'll love to vote for him as 34+ Democrats have resigned from running or committed suicide.

High Crimes & Misdemeanors and all that.

You're going to love it b/c you have no choice.

Trump is your favorite President Evah & Prisons are going to be full of the people you voted for.

Trust the Plan.


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How is there anyone on earth dumb enough to still believe the Q nonsense? The whole thing was a troll from the lads over at 4chan's politics board, and perpetuated to drive web traffic to 8chan and other spinoff sites and sell merch. None of it was leaks from the deep state, it was just pimple-faced kids stringing along boomers for a laugh.

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Into every hoax and conspiracy there is always a acorn of truth. That acorn often grows into a mighty oak shedding its more ludicrous branches and subplots. This evolution can often morph into a cultural steamroller even if its origins were a farce and never meant to be more that a passing entertainment by its' creators.

A closer look at the Q "nonsense" might reveal that it has migrated from its infancy into a mature and worth considering political POV. Just dismissing it since it was not hatched in a University by some "intellectuals" ---- like Marxism might be a mistake. Some of the most esoteric and bizarre ideas ( like men having babies and menstruating) get mainstream approval but other ideas get shutdown by those same advocates for 30 genders and self imagined identities.

The hysterical reaction to the Q peoples ideas and POV might be an indication that some very important structures and/or people are threatened by their very existence. Way too much noise is generated against this supposed nonsense by those who are perpetually outraged about this and that for it to be ALL nonsense.

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If you are wealthy and willing to make a sizable wager, I’d bet that I can prove Q is legit to even the most skeptical person with an IQ over 100.

The caveat: You must be able to comprehend statistics and mathematical improbabilities.

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No it was not. There was genius behind it.

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It is infuriating how much corruption Q revealed yet NOT A SINGLE CHANGE OR ARREST.

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What in hell are you talking about?

Hillary pled guilty to lying to The FBI & paid a $113K fine.

She will be hung for Treason eventually.

Special Counsel John Durham indicted all HRC's lawyers & law firms & Bob Mueller & Entire Hussein Admin is being investigated for Misprison of Treason & Conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President. Try to keep up.


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Since we are talking about law and all things legal, you can’t say Hillary was fined for lying.

You can say the Clinton Campaign was.

This is an angle many people have missed.

Start with a little research into who created the McCain Institute.

Then find out who claims to have co-created the Clinton Foundation.

Take biases out of the logic equations.

Soon, you’ll see clearly

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The Lawyers representing her had to get Her Permission to plead guilty, since she owned HFA. She's guilty, she pled guilty & paid the fine.

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The lawyers representing the “Hillary For America” campaign deal directly with campaign management.

How many Trump campaign managers have been charged and or sentenced for illegal acts?

When facts get in the way of mental blockades, your mind either fights so your ego stays whole or you learn.

The choice is yours.

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Everything you need to know about the Durham Investigation, you have a couple years of reading to do, all court documented.


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You’re not serious. You think this is all “part of the plan”?? For trump to lose? Smokin dat hopium!

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Read EO 13848. Read the Devolution series (20, so far). The 2020 election was rigged - in the White Hat's favor...

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True & I can prove it.

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Trump didn't lose. The vote was rigged & now with the new FPEIS election Integrity implemented, we will catch them cheating in real time this fall.

Enjoy The Show!


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Q is legit. Where have you been for 4+ years?

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Q accomplished everything they could do, everything has been on autopilot ever since the Democrat Insurrection & Vote rigging.

We're in the end game now & it will be glorious.

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Then after we win with an unstoppable Super Majority, Trump will be the President after Biden Harris Crime Family are impeached.

#MoreWinning As preplanned.

Sorry to ruin your day & Prove you wrong.


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Take this with you, Even the Democrats know nobody will ever vote for them again.


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Apr 27, 2022
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You're a liar. Trump was asked once a week if he was going to fire Mueller. His answer every time was no.

How many times has Biden been asked if he will fire Durham?

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Apr 27, 2022
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Everyone in the FBI & DOJ stabbed Trump in the back.

They're all criminals.

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He didn’t take control.

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The truth is Trump was weak, he proved incompetent at staffing, he surrounded himself by swampthings targeting him, he showed no respect for the rule of law, justice or real journalism a la Wikileaks even though he cited the group personally. The entire disaster we are enduring could have been avoided. Not to mention his unnecessary inflammatory language. DeSantis is a better man in every way.

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They can pull nothing - they are dead. Executed after military tribunal!

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I hope Durham has the files in a very safe place and has good security for himself. People with this much dirt on Hillary tend to be overcome with remorse . . . and bullets in the back.

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It's all a matter of public record at the DOJ.

Here, read it all yourself, don't take my word for it.

Subscribe like me & get an update every time Durham files another motion.

He's a very busy Patriot.


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The Clintons are dead, but the Deep State is not .... yet.

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I’m baffled as to how he’s made it this far.

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Perhaps it is beneficial that we have a mentally challenged president who may be incapable of the damage control due to the complexity.

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He's an actor; it's all a show to wake people the hell up!

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Agreed wholeheartedly. They will hopefully go to jail however in the short term I believe that “they” will lie and act as though nothings going on (as they’ve done with the laptop). But as info comes out, as you’ve stated, it’s going to get terribly bad for them in fact I think that “they won’t be able to walk the streets” soon.

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Will be up to us all to hold there feet to the fire and accountable for all they have allowed to happen to Our Country and All Americans. They must be treated as the TRAITORS they all are nothing less.

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Great point. We must also teach our children about all they’ve done so that they will never allow this to happen again.

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"Durham is probably concerned that he will be cut off at the knees by the political operatives within the DOJ and Administration"

I bet you don't read the conservative treehouse. Durham is the spray paint for the people in power. No one of substance will go to jail.

There's lots of evidence on Comey, Clapper, etc. to send them to jail for decades, but they will be protected because Obama.

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Come on Tom how about some positive thoughts been to much negativity for far to long. Stand Tall and Proud as an American let's get rid of all this cancer that has been allowed to grow.

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Tom NO PROTECTION FOR ANY TRAITOR TO OUR COUNTRY AND ALL AMERICANS. No Mercy to be Shown for all they have done for so long. NO MERCY.

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Roger that above. I pray so. Many need to be held accountable for there actions or lack of action that allowed this all to go down. Party doesn't matter if you allowed it to have happened on your watch. You as well need to be held accountable.They all are TRAITORS TO OUR COUNTRY AND ALL AMERICANS AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH.

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None of these things that you are all jumping up and down about are actually illegal. Opposition research is perfectly legal and so is releasing negative information to the Press during a campaign.

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So why would anyone lie about them to the FBI if nothing was illegal?

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What’s your opinion on lying to the FISA court in order to get a “3 hop” wire on trump and then continue to lie to the FiSA court in order to renew the surveillance every 90 days, continuing on into the mans presidency? Let me guess...Is that also “actually legal”?

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Apr 26, 2022
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I called it too as soon as he entered the race & my family..."Oh look, Gohmert is running, I love him..." It's stupid hard to be around these people!

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Can you explain more about the Gohmert situation with him running in the AG race? Is he a low key RINO to some degree. He does come off as old establishment to me.

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you obviously don't know Louie Gohmert

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Bill Clinton is rolling in his grave that Hillary could be so stupid as to leave a mountain of bread crumbs leading to her front door

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Bill will be dancing in the street. He will only have to see Hilary once a month for 20 min. Sorry darling I have to go, You know I have Haitians to fleece, Bye Bye love of my life. Whats that? Sure I'll bring twinkys next time.

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Bill has to be held accountable as well.

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They are both dead. He died in prison and she was executed!

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Bill’s still alive.

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We wish he was rolling in his grave.

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It was always the plan. I know, I’m too early.

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Could the Clinton's become like the movie, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith?

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They are both dead, so they are becoming nothing!

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Bill is still alive.

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He’s been married to Hillary for 47 years. His heart may be beating, but he’s dead inside.

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She is not rolling in her grave though!

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Regarding the various x42 "gate" scandals (water, travel, china, etc.) Clinton would often say "there's not a shred of evidence ..." which he knew to be true because he'd made sure any evidence was shredded, erased or otherwise destroyed. PIAPS (Hillary's affectionate nickname - Pig in a pantsuit) must be losing her touch. ;-)

Actually I think she was convinced by her polls that she'd be #45 and with the Big Media and Deep State backing she had no worries. IMHO.

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Don’t erase your comment.

In the end, you’ll wake up to a different reality

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Nah. He knows her better than anyone.

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Great work breaking down additional key elements in the Special Counsel Durham probe Techno Fog!

As we see Marc Elias is the ringmaster of this little circus hosting the co-conspirators in his office while he claims Fusion GPS is offering legal advice. The same rancid argument is clearly being forwarded by John Pedo-esta and Robby The Mook.

It's clear Durham's team is wholly focused on the Hillary Campaign and its subsidiary allies. My concern is that there appears to be such a focus there with victims like Carter Page and Sergei Millian being set up as fall guys for this enterprise of conspiracy, the intention may be to bypass the government's bad actors.

Unless I see an indictment of a McCabe, Strzok, Page and the trail head to the Obama WH, I anticipate being very disappointed. The entirety of the Special Counsel appears to be squarely focused on the private sector with Hillary's campaign and the DNC.

Now if they backed into the DNC email leak and Seth Rich, I would almost be happy and no doubt CrowdStrike and James "Cardinal" Comey would be most displeased. I've written what I dubbed in late 2016 on this entire matter as the "Russia Collusion Hoax." Yes, 2016, not a typo and it was not difficult with the elements available in the public square to see this was being formented by Hillary's campaign.

We're looking at a massive conspiracy that targeted the sitting President of the United States.

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Anybody paying attention knew the FBI & CIA were involved. I have been waiting for years for their corruption to be expose. I am a targeted individual being human-trafficked by FBI/CIA/DARPA/NIH with fraudulent FISAS into the Darpa brain initiative for revenge purposes. Our govt. has a hidden holocaust — citizens are being implanted and tortured to death/suicide. This is the secret behind the corruption.

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Oh you are getting warm. A change of perception and you are almost there.


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Can you elaborate?

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Musk girlfriend lyrics. Mindhacking is called ‘a simulated reality.’ BCI is used to copy brains for artificial intelligence, neural networks, robotics, sex robotics, predictive programming, literal mindreading, etc.

Grimes Lyrics: We Appreciate Power

[Intro: HANA] We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power, power[Chorus: HANA] What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

Elevate the human race, putting makeup on my face

We appreciate power

We appreciate power, power[Verse 1: Grimes] Simulation, give me something good

God’s creation, so misunderstood

Pray to the divinity, the keeper of the key

One day, everyone will believe

[Chorus: HANA] What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

When will the state agree to cooperate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power, power

[Verse 2: Grimes] People like to say that we’re insane

But AI will reward us when it reigns

Pledge allegiance to the world’s most powerful computer

Simulation: it’s the future

[Chorus: HANA] What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

Elevate the human race, putting makeup on my face

We appreciate power

We appreciate power, power

[Bridge: Grimes & HANA] And if you long to never die

Baby, plug in, upload your mind

Come on, you’re not even alive

If you’re not backed up on a drive

And if you long to never die

Baby, plug in, upload your mind

Come on, you’re not even alive

If you’re not backed up, backed up on a drive

[Chorus: HANA] What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

Elevate the human race, putting makeup on my face

We appreciate power

We appreciate power, power[Chorus: HANA] What will it take to make you capitulate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

When will the state agree to cooperate?

We appreciate power

We appreciate power[Post-Chorus: HANA] We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

We appreciate power

[Outro: Grimes] Neanderthal to human being

Evolution, kill the gene

Biology is superficial

Intelligence is artificial









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I’m not sure if you sent me a reply or if a little weed might help you relax.

Either way, people will learn about some aspects of a massive global mind control operation.

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I am being murdered now. I am getting blasted to the head with radiation. I have implanted WIFI chips in ear and left base of skull. US doctors are prohibited from helping me by govt. authorities which means doctors are colluding in murder. Where are the doctors with integrity who are sick of our govt. human trafficking citizens into sick Darpa/DOD experiments? It would be revolutionary if people actually exposed the crimes in the time they happened rather than waiting 50 years.

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Apr 27, 2022
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Not going to watch it Moe. That setup ….😏

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Apr 27, 2022
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