I've been harpin' away on social media lately that Danchenko once had to flee the country because the FBI had a FISA on him for being a Russian spy while working at the Brookings Institute. But was allowed to come back for some reason.

Leave it to Techno to finally remind people of it.

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Remember when the Danchenko indictment was released? It was actually worse than many people thought, including myself. Reminders of this latest development. Denchenko as a CHS.. jaw dropping.

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I can't believe the FBI was still paying Danchenko to be a CHS for 10 months AFTER the Horowitz Report was issued. Good work if you can get it, I guess.

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here's an article for you from The Last Refuge .. maybe you have read it, I don't know. But, if you have, I'd be surprised you left out some very important information for you blog. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/09/13/the-machiavellian-intent-of-john-durham-surfaces-inside-his-court-filing-outlining-the-fbi-hiring-of-igor-danchenko-as-confidential-informant/?fbclid=IwAR0gHzCYkErHBIeg7AHDBXl0WWjXzY9qCZjGNsO-QLo-742mxCU2exhCY90(maybe you have read, i don't

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you could do better

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This is great evidence showing the conspiratorial agreement of the Hillary/DNC/Obama/Biden plan to destroy Trump presidency whats great is the statute of limitations are now extended out to 2025 meaning if Reps take back congress in 2022 and presidency in 2024 you could indict all of these conspirators see this free sub stack that validates and compliments Techno fog reporting https://jseaman.substack.com/p/the-big-lie-theory-why-the-rule-of

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Lead like a bunch or lemmings over a cliff.

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Great synthesis of the latest and what's to come, much appreciated, Techno Fog.

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Praying that many people see the lies, the liars and frauds for who they really are. May all the dots connect and the "conspiracies" be plain for all to see. These little glimpses of Truth related to the outright tyrannical take down of anything or anyone in the Trump circle, the lies and fraud of all of our three letter agencies forcing dangerous chemicals into people's bodies, each one of these little drips of truth will turn into an unstoppable wave that can save this country. Thank you for your excellent work Technofog.

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Where are the whistleblowers within the FBI & DOJ. I keep hearing the corruption is just coming from the political appointees. Are the interview agents and detectives working the cases so blind and clueless to be able to understand what is going on? (rhetorical question).

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Danchenko actions shows how they hid their criminality and set up the false flag disinformation Hillary/DNC/Obama plan making the Russians the responsible party. This calls into question the findings of both the senate and mueller reports findings of Russian interference. And exposes why Obama in March 2016 disbanded the CIA unit responsible for countering Russian disinformation. All the pieces of the conspiratorial plan are falling into place. Now the spot light needs to be on Brennan and his actions with Comey

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I wonder, how does this get over the materiality hump that wasn't surmounted in the Sussman trial? Isn't the jury reaction likely to be: "Danchenko lied? So what? The intrepid FBI wasn't fooled, it didn't alter or influence any investigation. The Mueller investigation lasted a thorough 22 months and they turned up bupkis. What was influenced by these lies?"

I plead curiosity. I'd like to see Comey, McCabe, Strzok, et al., behind bars for their malfeasance. But I'm not seeing any movement in that direction.

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Valid concerns. The prosecutor's job is much harder when the FBI doesn't care if Danchenko lies.

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Yes, the jury pool as well as the courts are not friendly toward prosecution of their own. Especially in the DC area. Truth & Justice have an uphill battle against them.

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Great work, Techno.

I've been saying for awhile now, along with several others, that I suspected the FBI had made Danchenko a CHS. Nice to have to confirmed before the trial even starts.

Remember Bruce Ohr's handwritten notes from his meeting with Glenn Simpson, where bragged to him that the primary source for much of the Trump/Russia allegations in Steele's dossier were provided by "a former Russian intelligence officer now living in the US".

It's a valid question why Glenn Simpson was describing Danchenko this way back in 2016.

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Thank you very much.

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Danchenko was paid as a confidential human source by the FBI from March 2017 to October 2020. Fathom that. The FBI is culpable. Why aren't someone in the FBI being charged?

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Let's get it on!! Tired of this saga.

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Getting excited again, so glad I have resources like you and others to keep my spidery senses tingling. Justice must be served.

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Thank You Techno 🙏

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Maybe we'll see more about Fiona.

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Agents lie. That's a constant in agent operations. We recruit them to lie so the FBI shouldn't be surprised that one of their agents is lying to them. In their fervor to do anything to indict Trump, the FBI threw all their counterintelligence experience under the bus and never bothered to test the veracity of the agent's reporting against other reliable sources.

The biggest issue here is the amount of time it has taken to unscrew the mess. An agent makes a false claim against a sitting US president and it takes the DoJ five years to figure it all out. These dots should have been connected in a matter of days. Now, in true US government fashion, some useful idiot like Danchenko will go to jail while all the FBI agents who actively plotted against a US president will just return to their jobs as talking heads or book authors.

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All bad stuff....but

To someone worried about gas prices and food shortages, too complicated to care about.

The media will furiously waive their arms about screaming nothing to look at here.

Bottom line is these people want Trump’s head on a platter and they will stop at nothing to get it.

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