Awesome info!!!!!! You guys “ ROCK”🎸

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It means nothing until someone anyone goes to jail

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Quit blowing up my email running your mouth!

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Why am I receiving you running your mouth in my email. I didn’t even post a comment!

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What was my frigging comment?

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Come join us at Truth Social!

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Why aren’t you in TruthSocial?

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Sub-stack is the absolute best source of information I have ever seen... Thank you ALL! Chelsea Clinton, keep your paws off my Sub-Stack!

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When will you join us on TruthSocial? Your fan @Laura

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The question I’m sure everyone is asking is… is Hillary ever going to be held accountable, tried and convicted?

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https://theamericanreport.org/2022/02/13/hammering-out-their-cover-story-two-days-before-trump-inauguration-obamas-ag-lynch-cia-boss-brennan-executive-order-12333/.. I am too tired cherry pick out tonight and I can't copy and paste it.. speed read down to the part in the middle where Joffe picture is and a healthcare company is mentioned: everyone is smart on this thread.. and I will pull some "salient" parts about the massive spying not only done to Donald Trump but ordinary Americans: this was so amazing to me because a spook house was set up right at Ft Washington, Maryland.. and I can see it almost from my house on the Potomac.. yeah.

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Like I said: give me a couple minutes.. the American Report by Mary Fanning was exposed a lot of this already during the so called "impeachments" debacles. I was trying to find what Antonio said. will respond to him now.

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I'm stumped on gathering data on "a particular healthcare provider." Are they talking about a Doctor or a healthcare company? And WHY.

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The health care provider is Spectrum Heath in Michigan, closely linked to the DeVos Family ie Betsy DeVos and Richard DeVos. Betsy’s brother Eric Prince is the founder of Blackwater.

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In watching the press struggle to portray DNS lookups described by Durham as benign activities involving generally available server data, please note a very significant technical exception. Durham says Joffe and his company somehow had commandeered DNS services for the EOP and Trump comms. With that access it is a very short leap to use DNS tunneling to access and exfiltrate all manner of data from the target network. Everything — emails, texts, documents — is available for surveillance. Control DNS services and you can tunnel past firewalls and all security. Perhaps that’s why Durham calls the Neustar arrangement “sensitive.” It damn sure is. Don’t let them blow smoke about benign lookups. This is an unbelievable development that exposes the security of our country to all sorts of nefarious outcomes. Tunneling is as old as the internet. https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/cyberpedia/what-is-dns-tunneling

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Exactly right. This brings in the Secret Service, and should add conspiracy to subvert the US Government - which is probably part of what Durham is lining up on. Expect people involved have begun ratting out others to save asses.

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Okay, the reality is nebulous and depends on interpretation of INTENT and what Durham may have respective of proving INTENT. Note the same can be applied to Jan 6th. In this case, the supposition is based on the first sentence below being interpreted as "overthrow or destruction" as it applies to the Office of the Presidency, which would also appear to mean the duly elected President of the US. Here it is: 18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government "Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government. IS THIS WHAT YOU SAID? if so that is not the same "CYBERSPYING" because and there DOES NOT HAVE TO PROOF that the INTENT was to overthrow the govt. Let's not get too far off the from the main premise which is the legality of cyber spying or surveilling a sitting President. THAT IS THE CORE issue here: Intent does not have to shown or proven: Hillary's cyber team and we don't know which servers communicated with whom (there is talk of that too) just the fact that CYBER SURVEILLANCE actually occurred on its face is proof of AN INTENT; moreover, since these people didn't actually know who also had the ability (such as foreign actors) or those who give the "appearance" (you know what I am talking about) communicating from other countries is credible evidence to say NATIONAL SECURITY was at minimum compromised, or worst case scenario foreign enemy operatives had access to Presidential Security details which are classified at various levels. I am going to read the American Report. Have your ever seen that movie 2010 Stuxnet? FOL:KS.. ladies and gentlemen fyi: Microsoft has gone off the rails now and developers are re writing code in Linux as we speak because of the Chinese and Russian hackers. I will post something from the American Report and then I need to go.. been on line all day and I hate to post when I am tired. :)

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Yes. This development means our national security - like Ukrainian relations and everything else corrupted by leftist grifters - has been up for sale and distributed to friends of the administration. Yikes, frankly.

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With the backdrop of the Russian INVASION and China's tacit approval by abstaining in their vote to condemn Russian aggression at UN we at least now understand, along with the UAE, Iran and China either know a lot of National Security strategies because Russia sit on the UN security council (which as I have said for years should be shut down); moreover now this is not substantiated by me yet but Michael Pillsbury and Gordan Chang tonight confirmed that someone inside OUR STATE DEPT said the BidenRot administration has been begging China to "communicate" with Putin to stop the posturing (troop build up). The very FACT that BIDENROT and OBAMA and entire VAST LEFT WING Yahoos actually have access to real National Security intelligence and still refuse to fully SANCTION Putin, Russia is very dangerous. I would write more on this: Did you see the exchange that Hillary Clinton had (the vast right wing conspiracy pro) had with Morning and Joe and Mika Brzezinski? She is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter appointee and I am quoting an important note from his Bio: Brzezinski negatively viewed the succession of former KGB agent Vladimir Putin after Boris Yeltsin. In this vein, he became one of the foremost advocates of NATO expansion. He wrote in 1998 that "Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire."[75] He later came out in support of the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia during the Kosovo war.[76]. I know man very well. who was a Carter appointee, Deputy Under Secretary for U.S defense for Nato (almost all Ukrainians and Russians speak both languages). You so RIGHT.. at this point and I have posted elsewhere Putin's goal would be to go after Chernobyl and of course solidify the Crimean annex. After I heard him speak briefly. Putin. I do think he is getting paranoid or something strange going on. Back to the Morning Joe interview think about what Hillary said.. and juxtapose that with her WHAT DOES IS MATTER NOW? after Benghazi. horrific debacle. Also. long story short: my son worked as a cyber expert for a monetary fund here in Tysons: and he LEFT (this was during Obama) when all of sudden the entire office had all Russian contractors in there. After he got to know one of the programmers, he found out that he was still Russian and math scholar here on Visa. long story short: my son said he was spy and QUIT the job. My sons best friends growing up are Ukrainian and Russian (both) Americans. This area is filled with both Ukrainians and Russians who love this country, now Americans but the STATE DEPARTMENT and Voice of America is leaks like a leaky faucet. BidenRot's deal with UKRAINE (Burisma) somehow fits in with this and also his backroom dealings with CHINA. SO now we know that BIDEN's administration is fully compromised explains the half measures with regard to sanctions. NO I DO NOT AGREE Americans troops should be there in Ukraine. Trump supplied Stinger missiles and other defensive weapons. I don't want to say more.. because I do know a lot. I have German citizenship and Germany also should be spanked by the U.S. GOD HELP US! THE ENEMIES KNOW EVERYTHING.. and more. The good news is that this has been predicted by Bible readers like Jonathan Cahn: Crimea and Chernobyl and other Bible Interpreters said this would happen which is why this does hinge on Crimea. I think there is a spiritual warfare side to this, because Putin is (or was) Russian Orthodox. I know I recognize the Orthodox Cross so I already called my Ukrainian friend (he is very old now 85) and asked him what was really going on. I will get his side (he is pro Ukrainian being Ukrainian and German and recently as five years ago went over there to mediate something. Maybe Putin has totally lost it? Meanwhile I will continue to pray for USA, Ukraine and the Russian people who OPPOSE this. I really did not think Putin would do this. Very beyond strange. ttyl take care.

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Quick question for anyone. If we know that “Agency-2" is the CIA, then why doesn't Durham just say the CIA?

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working on that.. you are right.. I haven't been able to work on this just saw OANN and some references.. I am going to look up Mary Fanning.. and her partner who blew the whistle on Brennan. wow.

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