Unreal. I remember the last scandal which led him out of office. I could not believe he would be “elected” again a few short years ago, given the laundry list of corruption and bad behavior, and here we are again. Well, unless people wake up we can look forward to round 3 in a few years. Folks, they ALL do this, both parties, you can’t amass over $100 million on the salary of a public servant.

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Maybe not ALL of them, but it is way too common. That accounts for the rarity of prosecutions.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Techno Fog

Great explanation, TECHNO, but we’re waiting for the #Joe one‼️😉

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You read this and you come to the conclusion that the methods they used to hide the criminality are very, very familiar. Joe Biden anyone?

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That’s exactly what I thought: change the name from Menendez to Biden and the country to Egypt.

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It’s always funny to see democrats feign sufficient naïveté to not understand how shell companies and relatives’ bank accounts contribute to the process of laundering a bribe.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Techno Fog

Melendez was accused of massive corruption and pedophilia ten years ago. DNC machine prevailed and he was not sent to prison.

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The Arab Republic of New Jersey....


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Here in Jersey, we have suffered from these grifters crimin for a long time. We have Van Drew fighting for us. But, the elections are rigged here. Menendez is a scum with secrets to tell.

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it’d be nice to see bob and his old lady frog marched and confined. that only happens to j6 attendees.

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Sounds like Menendez has upset the current administration, the Mob AG Lawyer Garland is doing this to show he enforces the laws equally. Change Mendenez’s name to Biden in the paper work, Biden has done a lot worse but nothing will happen. This indictment is all for show.

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Fascinating how Menendez and his wife were doing the same things that Joe and Hunter were doing. In one situation the DOJ and FBI found evidence. But not the other. Bobby Mendez is a big fish but I wonder if they acted now to protect even bigger fish.

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Menendez go off last time and was “re-elected” to office, where he got plum committee assignments and has been a large thorn in the side of republicans ever since. Democrats and RINOS don’t care; they all are corrupt. He has a smug expression because he knows he is untouchable.

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Wonder who he forgot to pay off, or who he offended?

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This was a Fed setup.

Dems decided was liability and now up for re-election next year.

He resigns, Gov Murphy names "re" electable replacement, skips 2024 Dem primary, easy win in 2024.

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Give Menendez credit he did it the old fashion way instead of setting up front companies to launder million of dollars to hide the source of the funds like the Biden family. At some point the American people better wake up and quite rewarding these people who lie. When the media fails to cover the open borders where we just had 10,000 illegals come into the US in one day and the Biden admin lies saying the border is closed and cover up BIDENS criminality saying there no evidence of a crime when there more than enough evidence see https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/willful-blindness-debunking-the-big?utm_medium=email

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Both corrupt parents, major DNC donators and operatives, and BOTH professors at Stanford (in)famous Law School should be in jail !!!

Sam Bankman-Fried's dad emailed his son that he didn't know 'what to say' after finding he'd be...

"Gee, Sam I don't know what to say here," Joseph Bankman said in an email to his son about his salary from the now-bankrupt crypto exchange.

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Selling out our country. Let's hope some honest citizens are part of the jury.

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Used to live in NJ. Born there. Roots go back to 1776.

No longer. Sadly, the evil has spread across our nation and out institutions. America today looks more like Stalin's Russia -- Gulags, Show Trials, and all -- than it does our beloved Republic.

Coming next month -- Our major book, "Invisible Treason." Five coauthors, our Treason Team. Check it out.

Out now -- Levin's book, "Democrats Hate America."

If we don't fix this in Election 2024 is will be "Game Over."

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It’s already “game over”. You’re being replaced as we speak. The border is wide open, being breached by military age men...thousands! They’re coming from all over the world.

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Correct. The Cartels now control the border. And they are now armed with our military weapons -- the ones we shipped to Ukraine.

This includes large numbers of Chinese military age males.

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