Christianity does NOT require anyone to make himself a lab rat for an injection that even the FDA has not approved or licensed

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Just another one clown exposing themselves. Infiltration instead of invasion

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I am NOT suicidal... You can have my shots.

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For French to create a value judgement regarding taking a vaccine, by "his concepts" of his Christian Faith, demonstrates to me he's has a distorted Christian Faith. Why listen to this guy?

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Half of doctors won't take civic injection.

My doctor recommended not taking injection.

I listen to my doctor, cautious is good.

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Jesus does not say anywhere thou shall take a vaccine. Jesus is the great healer. What we need is churches OPEN! We also need our Dictators to realize that little clause in The Constitution where it says separation of church and state is for THIS reason. Stay out of my relationship with GOD!

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I so agree with you. I have friends that have gotten it and or want it and friends(like myself) that think more along the lines you do. Either way I love them without judgement. The trial for these"emergency use vaccines" doesn't end until January 2023. If the health emergency goes away so do the supposed vaccines until the trial is over. Modified rna has never been used in humans.. So this is a great experiment at the cost of many loved ones. We do not know what the long term side effects will be. Some scientists project infertility, birth defects, auto immune diseases just to name a few. A true vaccine gives you immunity. Neither pfizer nor moderna have ever stated that their shots do anything close to this. Moderna never created a drug nor a vaccine until now. They have been known for their work with genes. Mod(e)rna.. It is frightening, yet at the end of the day you need to do what is right for you. I am not antivaccine. My children received theirs growing up. They are 11 and 13. I do not take nor give them the flu shot either, much to the dismay of their pediatrician. Whatever happens next, I will continue to bring love and light to the darkness we find ourselves in.

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Kimberly, my dear, let me explain a few things to you about mRNA drugs. mRNA drugs have been in use for at least 25 years for, mostly auto-immune disorders and cancer. Ever hear of interferon?--mRNA drug. What they're calling a vaccine is, in fact, NOT. It is, however, what's called a disease modifying drug; but it doesn't modify the disease--instead it modifies your immune response. DO NOT be deceived by big pharma, this "vaccine" WILL make you sicker than COVID-19 and probably for the rest of your life. Given the current policies coming from the left, your life and other's might not be that much longer. I have MS and have taken these drugs--and the doctors that are coming out against mRNA tell you that you might develop an auto-immune disorder are exactly right. Since I've taken these drugs I have TWO more auto-immune disorders.

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Thank you so much for your response. I am relieved to know what I am researching is in fact correct. It is all so scary. The fact that the truth is being censored and those trying to get it out are being silenced and cancelled, only proves more so that what they are doing is not in our best interest. It saddens me that you have been affected by these horrible practices.

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997 people have died after getting the vaccine and their deaths all have been attributed to getting the vaccine.

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Wow. What a beautiful and kind response. Thank you so much for your input on what i should or should not have done. I am aware that people who strike out in this manner often have unhealed traumas or maybe stuck in a seemingly hopeless situation. That being said, my children were both miracles. Their father passed away when they were only 5 and 7. So I would very much appreciate you refraining from talking and making the foul comments. I live in America. And as of right now we are still free to choose. I choose not to have them inoculated against a virus that helps build immunity. My children are healthy. The are loved. They have a mother who puts them first. Have a blessed night Lutetia. May you find peace in your heart and healing for whatever it is that is hurting you!!

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Awesome job at being a loving Christian to someone who is spewing hate. I am a widower myself, and can’t guarantee I would be so forgiving if someone said something like that in relation to my wife. Well done.

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Awww thank you. Condolences for your loss. I wish my first thought was being a loving christian, but it was not. I was ready to go off. However, I find it more helpful to politely tell some one to shut up. Kindness wins every time. I do really enjoy these posts so I choose to keep it kind as not to disrespect the author their time. May your journey be one of peace and healing. 6 years in and grief is still very much a rollercoaster.

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Awww thank you. Condolences for your loss. I wish my first thought was being a loving christian, but it was not. I was ready to go off. However, I find it more helpful to politely tell some one to shut up. Kindness wins every time. I do really enjoy these posts so I choose to keep it kind as not to disrespect the author their time. May your journey be one of peace and healing. 6 years in and grief is still very much a rollercoaster.

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So far, a reported 997 people have died and their deaths were attributed to getting the vaccine.

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The problem for me is from what I understand there is only 1 vaccine the others are experimental gene therapies. No thanks.

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I've read French's stuff occasionally; some of it seems sensible, but a lot of it is haughty & scolding. When did moral authority become so easy & ubiquitous? French is a center-right columnist, recently prominent for being anti-Trump, right? Not a priest, or a martyr, or a crusader who's paid a price for a uniquely brave stance. What's next? Saint Bill Kristol?

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Satan has lots of pastors in this world. The headline is all i needed to read. If this were my pastor I'd be finding another church. There are many, many false prophets in the world.

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He apparently is part of the agenda. Maybe you don’t think it’s fruitful to question him, his motives or his condescension and arrogance but I will question him and tell you exactly what he is. He’s a devil! Nobody that has done any remote independent research would have the audacity to say what he has said. It’s not just his opinion, unequivocally, it’s his agenda!

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The virus is a hoax.

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David French is the type of Christian who makes non-Christians stay non-Christian. I quit National Review while he was there and I quit the other rag he went to. You know, the one founded by two other Never Trumpers, Jonah Goldberg and Steven Hayes. My wife and I have both had the virus and we have no intention of getting a vaccination.

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Whoever coined the phrase, Trump Derangement Syndrome, was right on. I've pondered what drives the animus? My theory is that these commentators think that they are better than he. Then this 'neanderthal' gets elected without paying his dues and upsets the apple cart.

So, maybe they are envious?

Just to be clear, I am a fan of the President. He is not perfect, but neither am I.

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My fear stems from the fact that schools may require children to get the vaccine to stay in school. I also have a son in long term care that they may require to take vaccine. It’s scary stuff seeing all the death they cause

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French is a moron.

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Take a hike pastor

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