Who is writing her motions? It surely isn't her, as from what I can see she is sub-literate on the level of Cardi B and Lizzo.

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She's a Marxist puppet, placed there to destroy our Constitutional government. She violates no Marxist rules. She wears no mask. The theme of September seems to be, "who will wear the mask and who will refuse".

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These folks just make sh*t up. They could care less about the law.

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She's an absolute buffoon.

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Good stuff as always but this counts on reasonable judges and courts, left wing nut jobs are stacked all through the system so I think a fair trail unless moved out of that county or moved to federal court is out the window!

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Since her actions are clearly political and without merit, could she be on the take for money or promise of a new job? Can we check her financials and those of her associates. I bet Garland promised her a new job if she did his bidding?

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The poor woman is stupid, likely barely surviving law school, and thinks she will make history.

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Breaking the law

Breaking the law

Breaking the law

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Can’t say I’m surprised. She’s demonstrated that she’s worthless and incompetent. And, over her head.

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It is beyond me how these judges and prosecutors still have a job! Where are the proud Atlanta people protesting? How can ANYONE including SCOTUS allow this to continue. She is making a farce of our judiciary system.

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Big question: what will the judge do?

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With all of that being true, who holds her accountable?

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Well, the defendants' attorneys should have fun in their response briefs. Nothing like being able to rip the opponent's filing to shreds -- particularly in a high-profile case!

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Grounds for disbarment ?

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Black Panther girl making it up as she goes along. Smells like political law fare theater. Or maybe she IS just that STUPID! Kudos for this bombshell!!!

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She is also stupid and incompetent

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