So we learn the vaccine doesn't stay put but circulates but we don't know for how long. We really have no idea if the breast milk is safe for infants, but maybe not. The vaccine makers were hesitant about giving the vaccine to pregnant women but our government, for some reason, knows more than the vaccine makers. And we know that any adverse reporting on vaccines was suppressed until recently as the public has already begun to be aware of vaccine issues and are voting their disbelief by not getting their children nor themselves further exposed. One wonders how long this charade can proceed.

Our health officials are found to be naked, finally. I fear the totally of the damage will take years to be recognized.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

No, let's be accurate. It was found in lactating "individuals".

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How else are they going to track babies in their pram with 5G?

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Techno Fog

Techno Fog, I don't know if you're aware of Dr. Naomi Wolf and thousands of doctors, scientists, nurses have found in the court ordered released Pfizer docs? Dr. Pierre Kory also went through some of them. They found this and a whole lot more regarding babies, pregnant mothers and both sexes of children. She's on Gettr and runs the Daily Clout. She's been doing interviews for months about all this. Ty.

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Glad to see others having the courage to report the truth on the COVID vaccine debacle sadly the public trusted the state and as usual the state lied to the public regarding the safety of the vaccines for political purposes instead of being optional for people allowing people to decide what gets injected into their bodies instead the state forced an experimental vaccine that was not ready for prime time.

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I am reminded of a day I spent working in a high security mental institution here in the UK. It was terrifying. The people I was expected to deal with were beyond insane. They were operating with faulty equipment, relating to a reality that I could not see or hear. They were locked permanently into a mindscape that could not be changed, only artificially suppressed or restrained. They were, in most cases, completely oblivious of the harm they were doing themselves and others.

THAT is who you are dealing with. Intransigent psychotics with an equally psychotic plan that they believe in wholeheartedly. We cannot reach them because they think that WE are the crazies; we are the wronguns.

I don't want to ever be on their wavelength and they don't want to be on mine.

It is a division that I do not think can be breached.

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February of 2020? Lockdowns hadn't even started yet.

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Re: Covid vax in breast milk;

Has anyone explored the connection between the baby formula shortages and breast milk sharing with tainted vax in the milk as another vehicle to deliver the weapon?

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On another note, I’m sure our blood supply is totally safe! A friend asked a local donation center if unvax blood was kept separate. The manager of the clinic was clearly confused. “Why would you want to know that?” The explanation was that her child was allergic to vaccines and she only would give her child unvax blood. “Well, the MRNA vaccines don’t enter the bloodstream, so ..”. Just something to throne out there, frens

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The New York Post reported that the Chinese military applied for a COVID-19 vaccine patent in February of 2020 with funding from the NIH of course.

But just as important, Operation Warp Speed wasn't announced until April of 2020.

How was NYU doing vaccine trials in February of 2020?

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Thank you for putting this information out there. Unlike the lying Big Pharma companies.

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Naomi Wolf was right!

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I'm sorry you're saying February to October 2020 for these results from the mRNA vax. Who is this from a Pfizer study before the release in 2021? If not there's a disconnect in dates and needs to be republished or explained that this is Pfizer dater pre EAU authorization.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

Mothers, pregnant,

who took this jab should be arrested


Child Abuse.

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Is this bad , good ?

Does it make someone ill ?

Is it damaging to the suckling infant ?

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Have any of the negative issues brought up by those against these vaxxes been shown to NOT be true?

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