The dems are just so much better at gangster politics. They hire people like Marc Elias while Trump had Michael Cohen 😂.

These filings today we’re a joke. Fusion GPS was just offering legal advice! Mooks in particular. He seems to be HFA’s little errand boy. If it ever got to it he’d prob say he ordered the entire russia collusion hoax himself.

I hope Durham can take these people down a notch or two.

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Trump is a very bad judge of character and competence. This is a flaw that many self important people possess. Personal loyalty comes before ability with many people. Cohen was a typical N Y shyster that most native New Yorkers could spot from a mile away. Trumps other hires were equally as terrible. The aptly named "Mooch" was a butt kissing self promotor who was exposed quicker than a strippers ass at a topless club.

Trump would have been better served to relocate the W. H. to his summer home in Florida. Leaving that Machiavellian vipers pit of D.C. populated with rabid dog power obsessed immoral creeps might have been of value. FDR and others spent a lot of time away from the swamp and were successful in keeping up with D.C. machinations.

Trump should have allowed some smart loyalists to pick his advisors and even some heads of agencies. Trumps instincts were good enough to keep the usual low IQ posers at bay and the obsessed FBI,DOJ & CIA's unelected power players on their heels. Hindsight is always 20/20!

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Trump isn't a bad judge of character. if he were he would not have achieved the success he did before the presidency. Trumps problem which lead to him choosing all the wrong people was him putting to much faith & trust in establishment hacks in his own party. Sell-outs who are friends with whomever offers the best options at the time and who won't hesitate to turn on you when a better offer comes. Sadly too much of the Republican party is like this among those who are serving their 3rd or higher term in office. Even if they started out with the right intentions they become sell-outs over time. Most however were politically connected crooks from the start. Those who actually run things make sure that the people who get into office are people they control or can blackmail. They can't control all because its too many which is why yo will still occasionally get a Ron Paul or Thomas Massie in but as long as it's the few they don't control they don't care.

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If and I sincerely hope when Trump gets back in the White House he should fire 500 people to start both to thin out the Deep State and to serve as a lesson to those who remain.

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Mitch McConnell comes to mind

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It was my understanding Trump would throw a bone to Cohen to handle pests like Stormy. He has other lawyers for the complicated tedious fights. Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell were accustomed to the press lights and fought an uphill battle with chicken courts and the corrupt DOJ to expose a million reasons the election was stolen. But there must be other lawyers we don't need to see.

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To me Cohen was an "attack dog" type who in the end turned on his master. Loyalty was NEVER his strong suit. Like many individuals with a mediocre intellect and a law degree he appeared to not know what he didn't know. In the end hubris and believing his own B. S. brought him down. Most Court Houses are filled with "call Saul" types hustling for their next case. In NYC they are known as "cop a plea, get a fee" specialists. Mike Cohen fit right in there.

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Soros must be dealt with

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Trump's cryptonite is his daughter, Ivanka. WEF stooge to Klaus Schwaub.

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The left believes 'any means to an end', which is a passionate perspective. The right, understanding that logical answers are devoid of emotion, takes a different, and very non-Santa Claus view, which is sad but necessary.

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Often when one favors emotion over logic and facts one usually becomes part of a lynch mob. The left with its' cancel culture and love of DOXING is about as close as you can get to outright lynchings without actually stringing someone up. The results are often the same metaphorically speaking.

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I read Elias deposition that was attached to something filed today.

He said he relayed some of the Chris Steele stuff to Mook. Seems to me Mook lied today

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Remember, Hillary was a shoe-in. All this would have never come to light if she had won. No one would have questioned this claim of "Attorney Client Privilege".

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Given the actions of the Democrats during this election and the fact that this is only coming out because of Hillarys rage at losing and the lefts "payback mentality" I wonder how many of their "wins" were due to some underhanded and/or illegal actions by their surrogates? Late ballots found in trunks of cars in one election and many other overnight successes where failure was looming early on.

This being a one off seems pretty remote. The marshaling and ease with which all the agencies of government fell into line and put forth this complex and coordinated campaign creating this Russian Hoax appears they have done this before. The media seems to have been the lynchpin that drove this soft coup try to block than later overturn an election. This entire affaire will be covered-up and mitigated by the media since it probably was a co-conspirator in these illegal actions.

The January 6th event was just a reaction to the titanic effort to oust Trump from office using every trick, legal and illegal, in a book that was already written long before November 2016.

Elections have become like sporting events without rules or regulations where winning is the only consideration. The 2020 election probably was rigged given Biden's non-campaign and the statistical skewering of results. The Hunter Biden laptop cover-up by the media and on and on it goes.

This was attitude obvious when Harry Reid was confronted with his lies about Mitt R's tax returns and how they might have effected the 2012 election. His smug and public response was "WE WON DIDN'T WE." That about says it all.

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The Authoritarian Left is better at it because they have no morals and thus aren't handicapped by those morals and can do whatever is required to win. Republicans don't need to stoop to cheating to compete but they do need to make some significant changes.

1) Get rid of the establishment hacks/sell-outs who server the interest of high end campaign funders only and not the people. Sadly almost all of the senor Republican's fall into this group which is why shift never gets done unless it benefits special interest

2) The Christian Right has got to learn that their morals don't belong in government laws. Their war on drugs has been a tremendous waste and provided government and its agencies the justification for all kinds of constitutional violations all in the name of curbing drugs, something the government is not Constitutionally empowered to be doing.

3) The Republican party has to be honest and call out their own. The Left can get away with hypocrisy b/c they control the media & BigTech, the Right can not.

4) Push back. Even when the Republican party has control of DC the Left somehow manages to move their agenda forward just slower than if they have control. The Republican's party acts deathly afraid of undoing any of the damage the Democrats have done, that has to end. They need to follow Trumps lead an take a "I don't care what you say or do because you are fake news" approach with the media and stop acting cowardly towards it.

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Watched a documentary on 2016 a few years back. Mook was interviewed the night they lost and he looked scared.

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Given the number of suicides and odd deaths that seem to follow the Clinton's maybe he had good reason to look scared.

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Ever seen the video of Ben Rhodes? He was terrified when the Beast lost.

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"As Durham observed, Fusion GPS wasn’t providing legal advice when it met with Rodney Joffe [...?...] promoted the Alfa Bank allegations."

something seems amiss.

just tryin' to help.

great work as always!!

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Good catch, most appreciated!

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I enjoy reading the comments almost as much as I enjoy reading the analysis and reporting by Techno-Fog. Clearly I am in great company. My interest in this, as I’m sure all of yours must be, is truth, transparency, fairness and justice. The road has been so torturous and destinations delayed but I’m beginning to feel confident we are going to finally get there. Thanking Techno-Fog and keep up the good work.

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I agree. I have watched this for years and have been deeply disappointed by the depths that our system has sunken to. The swamp, Clintons in particular have flaunted their ability to operate outside of the law. I thought that when Seth Rich was murdered the dam would "break but it didn't. There have been little snippets leaked accidentally. A caller to the Rush Limbaugh show mentioned that he had seen boxes of records leave the Arkansas capitol and loaded on to planes headed to DC. I just pray that Durham stays healthy since I've lived through history. I am cautiously optimistic that there will be culpability sometime. Donna Brazille wrote her book and distanced herself from the spending of DNC money. She refused to answer why she wrote that but I think that this is the reason. Also there is the supposed Hillary outburst to Brazille on election night 2016, " You better fix this shit or we all hang." Bernie's lawyer that served the DNC and Cathy Wassermann-Schultz on a YouTube video also died within days of that act under odd circumstances. Wassermann-Schultz was fired after Wikileaks published how Bernie was cheated. I'm glad but none the less he was cheated. I still refuse to get my hopes up. I'll believe it when I see it.

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There is also the matter that one week before Durham filed his Motion to Compel in camera inspection of supposedly-privileged documents, the FEC announced its determination that the Hillary campaign and DNC had wrongfully concealed campaign expenditure payments to Perkins Coie by labeling the payments "legal fees." This would bolster the argument that none of this had anything to do with legal advice, as claimed in the April 19th filings by non-parties.

In reaching its determination, the FEC procedure likely included taking depositions and subpoenaing documents. As referenced at the Federal Register website, documents related to the FEC investigation of the Clinton campaign and DNC will be placed on the public record "within 30 days of the date on which notifications are sent to complainant and respondent." That notification was provided on March 29, 2022 --- so documents related to the investigation will be available on the public record before the end of April.

Meanwhile, the Federal Register website also states "The Commission is not placing on the public record certain other materials from its investigative files, such as subpoenaed records, deposition transcripts, and other records produced in discovery ..."

So it would appear that the process involving investigating Hillary's campaign and the DNC likely included taking depositions and issuing subpoenas for documents. It seems likely that Durham has already acquired that information, and it may be responsible for the timing of his Motion to Compel in camera inspection, possibly because testimony or documents received by the FEC of which Durham has become aware conflicted with prior statements about material issues.

At any rate, the finding by the FEC would explain why Durham waited so long to file his Motion to Compel, which is a major gripe by Sussman --- that Durham waited until beyond the discovery process to raise this issue with the court. The availability of FEC records might qualify as newly-discovered evidence.

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Very good points there. Details, details…

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"Brick by brick, my fellow citizens, brick by brick." --- the quote attributed to Emperor Hadrian about building his famous wall.

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Hey Techno,

Sometimes I feel like you are highlighting things just for me ;)

“Where did his money come from

how much did he really have, and who helped him? "We know what he says," Elias said. "We need you guys to figure out who

he is."”

Personally, I think this topic is best saved for the end of the show.

But I’ll leave a few crumbs: Peale and the Great Seal

Thanks Techno!

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Confirms and corroborates the investigative analysis and the prosecution theory laid out in sub stack post


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Wow. Heavy, detailed, and a deep dive. Only read 50% of Part I. Impressive and balanced.

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Given all the motions filed by the parties opposing the SPO it would be of interest if the Judge could determine which ones contained direct lies and if sworn affidavits were perjured in what they asserted.

If a law firm is hired to give legal advice and they do political work does that negate the attorney client privilege.. If so how does a Court or prosecutor untangle which is which? Maybe clients should employ separate Law Firms to engage in legal work and advice and another for political activities. Once a Firm engages in opposite research which could easily cross the line into criminal behavior that should render ANY legal work done subject to criminal subpoena and abrogate lawyer client privilege since these actions are in fact illegal and subject all parties to criminal liability as they are ALL part of a criminal enterprise.

Maybe a RICO prosecution that could end the Law Firm and subject their partners to criminal liability would be enough incentive to keep these political law firms honest or encourage them to avoid that type of "legal" practice. Lawyers as a profession have done more harm to the world of politics and elections than any other profession by a long shot.

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Any illegal action by an attorney for a client negates the privilege statute. Lawyers are officers of the court and can't break the law.

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Perhaps Durham's Response brief will point out lies. He's done that before in this case.

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Odds of superseding indictment are pretty high, right? The actions and filings today reminded me of cockroaches

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Thanks, I read this on my show giving links.

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The FEC has already found Clinton and the DNC guilty on these charges - lying about hiring Fusion for “legal advice.” It was cadged as a “settlement” but the Commission, despite its Democrat control, stated they were guilty. If this is not illegal, it should be, How can a national candidate for POTUS hire a dirty tricks firm through a crooked law firm, and feed fraudulent disinformation to the FBI and media, and not be charged with a crime? Not just Sussman, ALL OF THEM. What Perkins Coie did in 2020 was even WORSE. The Wisconsin Special Counsel reports are mind-boggling.Filling out and casting fraudulent ballots for advanced dementia patients in nursing homes?? Who are these people???

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Will Hillary be required to testify with Durham under oath?

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Our scribe Techno Fog made the Washington Post today. Huzzah!

By Philip Bump: "...Jordan’s tweet was focused on a blog post from the pseudonymous author of the website TechnoFog. TechnoFog, in turn, was writing about a court filing that, they argued, pointed to some artificiality in data involved in the Russia investigation. Similar allegations were made by Fox News and then elevated by Fox’s sister outlet, the New York Post...."

"...All of which brings us to the TechnoFog allegation. That story picked out a paragraph from a document produced last week, in which Durham’s team responded to filing from Sussman’s lawyers. The government intended to prove, the filing read, that the claims Sussman brought to federal agencies about purported Trump-Russia links were understood not to be true by those agencies. What’s more, one agency (presumably the CIA) had determined that data Sussman offered in defense of his claims “was not ‘technically plausible,’ did not ‘withstand technical scrutiny,’ ‘contained gaps,’ ‘conflicted with [itself],’ and was ‘user created and not machine/tool generated’ ” — although Durham’s team had “not reached a definitive conclusion in this regard.” "

Techno Fog has a website?


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True story- one time Bump said a FISA warrant was a terrible way to spy on the Trump campaign 🤷‍♂️

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I think I'm a reasonably intelligent individual, but the article is so convoluted and fact free, sprinkled with innuendo.

Example: "Over the next three years, Americans learned a lot more about how Russia actually was trying to influence the U.S. election in 2016 and the alarm experienced by federal law enforcement and counterintelligence officials at the number of people in Trump’s orbit with demonstrable ties to Russian actors."

Then he lists Papadopolous! Conveniently skipping Page (CIA?) and indicted Democrat pawn Igor Danchenko. Who are these number of Russian people? Bizarre!

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Does this not seem like the longest running investigation in history?

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Indeed it does.

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Durham is going to continue to surprise us. He's smarter than we are.

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Durham is playing a long, long chess game here, and I suspect it's more tournament than game he's got in mind. I think he's got this game planned out many moves in advance; I wouldn't be surprised if he had his Response 85% written beforehand. In fact, I'd be surprised if that weren't the case.

Told a friend this calls for wine and popcorn. It's shaping up to be quite a show.

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I think Durham KNOWS he's already won.

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Can't hide behind nonexistent "attorney-client privilege"

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Yeah it is like a man being shot at raising his newspaper to ward off the bullets. It is a panic reaction just like the attorneys in this case. Hide behind anything hoping for the best.

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Unless the judge is crooked.

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Thanks for the update Techno CHEERS!

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