Did they check Joe’s lunchbox? There might be something under his bologna sandwich.

What a joke this all is and highlights the ultimate hypocrisy of progressive Libs. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

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I want to lmao and get pi$$ed at the same time. 🎯

that's some Babylon Bee type stuff right here.

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Coco Chow hiding in pedojoes garage?

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Jan 13, 2023
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Rlmao..I remember Biden when everyone thought he offed his wife and daughter in 1972. He got elected on Sympathy votes of Daytime Drama women who felt sorry for him.

Sorry but Biden was in full control at that time. Trump had nothing to do with Afghanistan..but Obama sure kept us there for the Opium..remembering how opiate/oid addiction skyrocketed then just as now. Maybe Obama should be called Poppy.

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Jan 13, 2023
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Back to the original..no Gene. He simply made an agreement to pull out of Afghanistan by May 1. Biden came in..announced that he was extending the May 1st deadline to..

September 11th 2021.

Why that date..

Why were we there for 40 years? It wasn't terrorism because that spread all over..it was opium.

The Taliban attacked Kabul just prior to the original deadline.

That was 100% Biden.

Even MSM said he botched it.

Biden became CoC the day he became president.

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Jan 15, 2023
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Lmao got proof..I recommend kaopectate for your oral diarrhea.

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I support the Death Penalty for convicted pedofiles.

And, the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, and use them.

Get my drift?

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Post of week, the alicat13

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Jan 13, 2023
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Hastert and Podesta went to Camp Nose Osaka in 1964..along with a few others.

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Biden successfully implementing the surrender? Are you on drugs?

Btw, I'm indpt, not Republican in anticipation of your comeback

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Why did you feel it necessary to tell me that. Your troll tactics are pure Hillary mentor Saul Alinski Rules for Radicals..go home Bernie. Y'all are not only the same bird but the same wing..independents are the tail feathers..

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I'm a commie? You absolutely have no evidence.

Here's what I think of Communism


To Mary D

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So Mary, I was bitterly attacking statement Biden on (his handlers,) did one thing right in that withdrawal. I think it was much worse than dereliction from White House who hate good Americans... And good soldiers are best of America.

I don't have inside info, but looked like it might have been close to murder.

I find many Republicans weak and unintelligent. Liberals? I believe some are Possessed

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Mary, I was quoting and responding to Gene. I'm a Roman Catholic and extremely anti communist.

You are about the stupidest woman I've met.

I have utter contempt for those that pull out Troll go home card. You're very pathetic.

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Take a chill pill I don't care but your egofest. Must have hit a nerve Bernie fan lol.. Libertarians are weak. Anything goes Lite.

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Jan 14, 2023
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I don't believe in NWO manufactured endless wars.

I think Trump, Musk and probably DeSantis are part of cult.

The withdrawal should have been done on agreed upon date... And loyal American soldiers should have organized it.

Withdrawal we saw was shameful

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Jan 14, 2023
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Look it up. Brookings MSM outlets headlined that Biden botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Who was commander in chief late Jan-Feb..Biden who reversed everything Trump did.

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ha! was Corn Pop the mean dude guarding them?

Were they in back behind Brandon's boxes of Depends?

Good thing we are free of all the crazy Trump crap that was apparently all so crazy.....

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Corn Pop was a bad dude!

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I think history has proven that the Democrats have thus far exhibited NO shame for anything they do. They believe they are all 100% justified by their "righteous intent to preserve democracy" (total BS of course) no matter how far outside the law they operate. Attempting to shame them is futile.

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Criminal! There is a bigger story here.

Why didn't they just hide/destroy/remove the papers and no one would have ever known?

Since when do attorneys "clean out offices" and "search garages??"

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"Why didn't they just hide/destroy/remove the papers and no one would have ever known?"

because they can't be sure Trump doesn't have copies of said documents. Clandestine wrote the other day that the documents Trump had were taken to ensure that Xiden didni't destroy evidence of his involvements with UK, Iran and Ukraine, the documents Trump has / had.

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And if Biden "got rid of them" how would it be proven he ever HAD them?

Much MORE to this story! Yes, I'm a Bioclandestine sub and I made same comment there.

We are only getting some of the story.

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clandestine is awesome

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"And if Biden "got rid of them" how would it be proven he ever HAD them?"

Trump has them, too.

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At $2000/hour no biggie right? Likely they were drinking coffee as some schlub at $20/hour worked digging through the boxes. I still have a garage full of junk to be dumped covering long gone projects from 40 years of work. I hate to even think about it. I'm pretty sure my classified was turned in but I packed my stuff myself not some GSA guy who never bothered to look at anything.

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Difference is if you were caught with classified you’d be jailed!

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Yes, it's the double standard that's the problem. They have thrown junior people into jail and/or fired them for far less serious offenses.

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Lawyers know from experience and from stories about how other lawyers got themselves into heap big trouble, destroying documents or any kind of evidence can't be kept a secret, and could turn into a ruinous shitstorm for them personally, as well as anyone else involved.

For the lawyers, this will all blow over. They can always tell their client, they did as they were ethically bound.

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That's WHY lawyers don't "clean out offices & garages"

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Agree. It's not like the DOJ is ever going to charge them for any of their crimes.

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What's all the fuss about? The Corvette was stored in a LOCKED garage!!!

(sarcasm ... and I'll layin' it on pretty thick)

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Can you reduce inflation and help increase stagnant wages?

Best I can do is classified docs next to the Corvette, Jack.

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Give'em hell Techno :-)

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Pretty much every garage is a locked garage. Any garage with an auto door opener is locked.

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Well, God knows, no one ever broke into a garage. But Trump having documents in Mar-a-Lago guarded by the Secret Service is a very big deal. And he had them there for 18 months causing the National Archives and DOJ to get their panties in a wad versus six years in the case of Biden. We are living in Herbert Marcuse's world of "Repressive Tolerance." Anything done by the right is to be criticized and repressed. Anything done by the left is to be permitted and excused.

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This will either be deflected from or they’re setting Joe up to take the fall and make way for Newsom or someone similar.

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Nonsense. Joe is the perfect lump of clay puppet. Losing him is a massive loss to the commies and huge wake up for the sheep. This is Yuge. And this is just the beginning. Fauci files incoming soon. House investigations that will show the truth instead of the J6 bullcrap. Then Durham will ramp up indictments when the public is properly lubed up. It cannot be stopped.

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Yes but who will report it?

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Twitter is the biggest platform in the world today. Musk buying twitter and removing the censorship (and exposing it) was the turning point in the war. Now the truth gets out and millions see it. Biden news is now all over the world. They can no longer stop it as they've done for the last 2 years. The Truth is a force of nature and they tried hard to kill it but failed. Musk has 125 million followers. Fox news get 2 to 3 million viewers. Alternative media is now the news. No one trusts the msm except brain dead libs.

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Twitter won't let me back on.

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VP aren’t allowed to have classified documents. Period.

What is the FBI/ CIA bigger plan on this one?

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Scramble to cover at all cost… because they are complicit in it ALL

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The only thing that will come out of this is that it will make the investigation into Trump slightly more suspect and difficult. Other than that nothing will happen.

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To my mind it is the product of a GSA contract worker simply packing up stuff. My guess is that Trump's people were trying to figure out what they had, maybe catalog the stuff. In Biden's case he had nobody to dig through his junk and likely didn't care anyway. He was busy trying to figure out whether Hunter was delivering his goodies.

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Yep who cares other than one was raided by the FBI and one is treated as it should be.

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Techno, this is a set up job to get rid of the old man from running in 2024. All it will take to move the Kamala is cash. Some cushy job with a fancy title that you will not have to show up to do. Kinda like what shes doing now.

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Jan 13, 2023
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Yet more inane insanity.

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I don't understand why democrats get to dictate terms of investigations and everyone else must follow procedure. As in the DNC situation, the FBI never looked at the server -- never went to the scene of the crime -- and took Crowdstrike's word for everything. Biden's lawyers find restricted documents and are allowed to continue searching, and the DOJ will take their word for what ever is discovered. Once the Biden people reported the first classified document, shouldn't the FBI or Secret Service have taken over and conducted searches of all Biden properties and offices?

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it was the mention of Crowdstrike by Trump to the Ukraine leader that caused the Dems to lose their fuckin minds and go hard for impeachment.

Investigating Crowdstrike leads to the 'hack' of the DNC and the fact that the emails were transferred to a thumb drive, ie, Seth Rich, which leads to 'who killed Seth Rich and why?' which leads to the fact that the entire Russia Russia Russia thing was a hoax, which leads to Hillary and the entire IC.

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I think your direction of events is absolutely right. You know, there was a time when the Seth Rich leads to Hillary idea would have seemed like tin foil hat territory to me. But not any more.

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What a disgrace our government is.

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Just for the normies. Wakey wakey

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If he took it in 2017 but didn’t move into Penn/Biden office until 2018 it means he moved it twice. I’d probably forgive the first as mistake but moving it a second time makes it intentional and criminal.

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Hur tried to hide a raid on a whistleblower, don’t count on him throwing the book at Biden cause he sounds like a company man

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The view from here is it is going to be a long hared and difficult fall to tag and defuse all of these hopeless traitors. Thousands at least worldwide. Biden and most other world leaders are in the pockets of the WEF, Bilderberg, Club Of Rome and the like. Lots of cleaning up to do - if we get the opportunity.

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Plain and simple, it’s going to be a big mountain to climb

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Exceedingly but they don't leave much of a choice.

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POTUS the perp

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Perp of the United States

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These must have been the documents for which they couldn’t find a buyer...

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