There's no way to launder $$$ through the East Palistine disaster.

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I’m glad Biden left this battered sleepy nation to listen to air raid sirens in Ukraine. Trump will visit these folks in East Palestine and he will sincerely regret what has happened to their small town. Normies will wake up realizing the difference between Biden and Trump. There is no comparison, one with heart, one with a criminal background checking on the billions he sent to Ukraine.

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This regime is steeped in evil.

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Every one of those people affected should be relocated to fully furnished safe homes. They should be given a stipend to replace necessities. It will take time to rebuild their lives elsewhere. If they choose to stay given them a stipend for purchased water and food. Pay the doctor and vet bills. They have been damaged through no fault of their own and not through an act of nature.

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Hey, at least we have $4 million for the Michele Obama walking trail.

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With Biden it is all about the money, there is no 10% in East Palestine. He always runs from disasters and blames Trump unless it makes him look good and will pay off both politically and monetarily. There is a special place reserved for Biden......HELL.

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Truly a sad situation. We have no leadership supportive of the legal citizens of the country. We send aid to other countries but not our own, we send taxpayer money to shore up the borders of other countries and abandon ours, we "woke" up our military and fund "unwoke" militaries at our expense. (If Biden really wanted to help the Ukraine military wouldn't he offer to send CRT and DEI trainers to them?). We fund virus research in countries that want to kill us, and then they slip up and do kill a bunch of us. We fund abortions in other countries so they can kill their own, we fund trans services in other countries so they have the rights and resources to mangle their own children. We reduce our energy production but fund dictators energy and become more dependent on them. We guarantee other countries pension programs while we allow our social security budget to slowly whither. It is all very depressing.

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This behavior - divorced of human feeling - seems to be characteristic of the Biden family. This divorce from remorse and connections with human feeling is notably part of a psychopath's profile. These sorts of emotional problems also have been noted historically with emotionally detached fascists. Since the beginning of his term he and his associates have done everything possible to destabilize Americans and American life. Not to mention his acts to disrupt life in the Ukraine and throughout Europe. This man needs help - out of office - quickly.

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Well if anything is to be said about the optics...this one screams it from the mountain tops! How many explosions releasing harmful poisons into the air have there been in the last two/three weeks? 6? Including one in Quebec, Canada. Byegone playing footloose and fancy free amidst phuckery with the other puppet president - sends a pretty clear message to even those in a deepest of sleeps.

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It’s amazing what you can do with technology. The fake Biden wasn’t in Ukraine.

Follow Rattletrap 1776 on Telegram ( Derek Johnson).

He’s an injured military vet. He also tracks which planes are up.

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Here are some possible reasons for the Biden administration’s response to East Palestine-

1. Voted 70% for Trump

2. 30% jab rate

3. Predominantly poor and white. Certainly not a protected class.

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Thanks !! FYI - Another important batch :


Matt Taibbi - @mtaibbi -- TWITTER FILES #16 -- Comic Interlude: A Media Experiment

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OMG: that Air Siren w/ Biden and Zelensssky was totally over the top. There is no way that the Russians weren't notified that Air Force One wasn't coming through Air Space. Biden's handlers the rest of the pack of minions deserve to be put in life long servitude testing the toxic water and air in E. Palestine. My disgust for the News Media and Biden's "handlers" and the Ukrainian shake down for more money is only exceeded by my outrage. Words to describe the arrogance of the Zelenssky and his assertions by his words and actions indicate to me that he is delusional as his demands are that the United States of America become involved w/ a proxy WAR with Russia w/weapons from China (or whatever the latest war mongering fear deal is today).. or even suggesting a WWW3. He and the rest of the war mongers are out of their minds. There is no equivalency between the USA and UKRAINE. The women and children have been mostly evacuated. The thought that the US would or could be enticed into WWW3 because of UKRAINE is truly beyond the pale and delusional on anyone's part. nuff said there.

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Biden is a deeply corrupt war criminal

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Zelenskyy and Biden both should have been given guns and sent to the front lines so they could give their lives for Ukraine.

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They hate Ohio and they’re laughing at their pain.

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