The fact pattern suggests the grave damage to our institutions started well before 2016. For false reports to get funneled through multiple Federal agencies and the many willing participants in those agencies, the pieces had to be aligned well before.

The stories of Russian influence came to monstrous life during the Trump administration to cover up the Clinton email server. If the thread is pulled on that story, this is 1000 times bigger than Watergate and will implicate most of the government.

That means there are hundreds of people - our leaders in government - willing to protect themselves and compromise the law and ethics to ensure they don't hang.

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This actually goes back to the feet of Dubya Bush. He created the database originally. The Patriot Act enabled it.

Then, this contractor working on government systems got a looksie and downloaded a bunch of the operational information about the program and released it. That was Snowden.

Snowden was going to expose it under Bush but decided to hold his tongue because he believed in Obama. Then Obama came into office and he watched the program explode in scale and that is when he released his information.

They went after Trump for two fold.

One, they had to cover up their misdeeds around Rosacrum and Hillary's emails.

Two, when he appointed MF, they knew that he would know where to look for the bodies and believed Adr Rodgers about the NSA spying continuing.

And you are right, every member of the HSCI and SSCI were privy to this knowledge and kept quiet about it. It is my firm belief that just about every office of the Federal Government has been bought by the CCP.

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Yeah. Good observations. I'd go back before W. The Patriot Act was written and sitting there waiting for a reason to be made the law.

That's no defense of W or any other admin. There was a point many years ago when I thought there was a difference in parties in the Federal gov. That naive idea died after carrying out policy for both.

The knowledge and cover-up are deep.

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IMO the struggle is WEF vs CCP. Our Deep State is aligned with the WEF, but there are many apex predators in many IC silos.

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The WEF and CCP are predatory. The US hasn't figured out it has been invited to a dinner party hosted by Hannibal Lecter and Jeffrey Dahmer. We are just arrogant enough to think we are worth the invite and unsophisticated enough to miss the tells. We think we are about to sit down to a meal without realizing, we are the meal.

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Yeah it’s called 8 years of Obama….he didn’t do much but he did seed the bureaucracy with all the mush heads coming out of college…now they’re in meaningful positions.

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Worse than Watergate:



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I wager good money it's way more than hundreds.

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"While Washington and the press focus on January 6, the more dangerous and anti-democratic acts occurred in the shadows in 2016 and 2017. They didn’t seize the Capitol because they didn’t have to."

Who watches the watchers? We have an unelected, covert empire & when we get a peek it's pretty ugly. Thank goodness legacy media is propaganda pros or what a mess for "democracy" DC style!

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What we have is a "Fourth Branch of Government", the Intelligence Community running rough-shod over the other Three Branches of Government.

It started with GW Bush, after 9-11 and perfected under the Admin of Obama with the assistance of Eric Holder.

Maxine Waters gave it all away if you recall: That Obama has “kind of database that no-one has ever seen before,” with “information about everything, on every individual.”

This stuff has been going on for decades and PDJT knew it.

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True but by my measure the problem begins with the Dulles brothers and OSS plucked from Brown Bros Harriman dominated by Yale Bonesmen & legacy fiefdoms in government agencies.. https://spartacus-educational.com/MDbushPR.htm

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This! ^^

Political machinations have been around forever. They have continued apace as civilization/society has advanced.

A terrific but disturbing book: the 'Devils Chessboard' - David Talbot


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Adore Talbot fab reference!!

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Pamela, do you know about the secret agreement of 1945 between Allen Dulles and Martin Bormann?

Allen Dulles was OSS Station Chief in Bern, Switzerland, in 1945, Martin Bormann was the Head of the Nazi Party.

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It's not an area of deep research but in general terms much of the toxic funding has crossed my radar and there's general reference in my archives but nothing folks can't find with a little digging. :~)


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Greg, How about the 1883 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property? Read Article 1 Section 3.

When you realize it’s intent, you won’t care who did what. You’ll only care about how we fix it.

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Some of my research takes it all the way back to Prussia....

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Try a guy named Seneca the Younger. Hint “communism”

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MT, do you have some links about Maxine Waters statement about Obama?

reminds me of the British classified PLF program

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Thank you, Pamela! just watched...

That explains a couple of things... I know that Obama was a CIA tool, so Obama was selected as "president' by the CIA, and this database was provided to Obama by the CIA. The database explains how the CIA took complete control and ownership of the Democrat Party. (btw: John Brennan was Obama's handler. John Brennan is a communist)

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Always happy of having a reference link! Eh, I'm not sure it's that clear cut as one master database though I agree Brennan is a major dirtbag. NSA has its own system so does every FIVE-Eyes partner and Mossad groups who share. Then we have private intel like Stratfor, Palintir, etc too. Then we have the back doors from PROMIS to Pegasus.. it's the wild west of data harvesting and more than a few whistleblowers prosecuted for exposing those.

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I wrote a book on John Brennan, back in 2020: "Who is John Brennan?" https://gregrubini.squarespace.com/bookstore/p/brennan

I know quite well the guy: I trolled him on his own page on Twitter many times, and I know from sources that he bought and read my book on him... (I don't think he was so happy...)

About reference links: I have many, but the subject is too wide and complex to write in a comment. I do agree with you on the role of private Intel firms. Let's add Hakluyt and BlueVoyant to the list...

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The Washington Post is a CIA asset.

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The NYT is a FBI asset. And CNN is a State Department asset.

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oh well, Charlotte... don't tease me on that! - in 1977 the CIA had 400 journalists and editors on CIA payroll, in all the major newspapers (NYT, WaPo, etc) and in all TV Networks.

How many today?

4,000? 40,000?

The CIA and the FBI are two heads of the same creepy monster, since the times of Allen Dulles and J. Edgar Hoover. The CIA is CORRUPT since September 1947.

(spoiler: the CIA was funded in September 1947)

George Bush was "The CIA Candidate", Bill Clinton was The CIA/CFR Candidate, George W. Bush was the son of "The CIA Candidate", Barack Obama was the CIA Candidate, Hitlary Clinton was the wife of the CIA/CFR Candidate...

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Correct and that's just the part of Church/Pike Committee Reports that is public the true extent of CIA media ops is still classified. https://www.villagevoice.com/2019/09/16/the-cia-report-the-president-doesnt-want-you-to-read/


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yep. The Church Committee reports are from 1975 (IIRC). Carl Bernstein article on the 400 on CIA payroll from 1977.

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Sorry but kind of a stickler for details.. not to correct you just detail.. Both Church & Pike Committees were begun in 1975 the publication of reports 1976.. for Pike it was the House vote to seal the findings..Bernstein piece in Rolling Stone after he left WaPo was October 1977



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I've never heard about the Pike Committee... I have to look into that... Thank you for the info and for the links, Pamela! (you know more than me on the CIA shenanigans...)

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Pompeo is probably their most favored candidate for the Republican primary..

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I agree, but Pompeo has no chance. Pompeo is involved in the spying on Trump, as Gina Haspel and Brennan. (or Pompeo is a complete idiot).

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You are good; no doubt about that.

H/T Rubini

Remember: Commerce Secretary, (and fellow businessman/friend of PDJT) Wilbur Ross's words:

"Underestimate Donald J. Trump at your own peril."

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Thank you Techno!

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Hey Techno...I can't imagine what is on your plate right now, but I'd love to see a production that shows the history and connection of world "domination", for lack of a better term, a la agenda 21 (UN), WEF, central banks, politicians, and globalist organizations.

They cannot succeed in silos. They MUST act in unison, while providing a mask for it.

This is happening. This has been happening, for decades...even hundreds of years, if you follow the actors. I have no voice. I have no funding. Consequently, I have almost ZERO ability to paint a picture like you do.

It's truly obvious for those that have "eyes to see" and "ears to hear". And I'm not coming at this from a religious perspective.

The war, is the globalists (or, most of them) against the rest of we humans.

I'll support you in any way I can.

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The deep global governance is very open. Search for “WIPO”. Read the international conventions/agreements/accords.

The tricky bits are in the wording.

And yes. They do get codified into US public law. Example: Public Law 92-511

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How about one scandal at a time? Russian Hoax first. Then the world.

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Hey Doc, please save this reply.

The Russian Hoax will, in effect, save humanity.

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I am intrigued by the reference in the recent Durham filing to internet traffic pertaining to "a particular healthcare provider". Who or what is that? Trump's doctor? What were they trying to do?

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They were trying to find out anything they could about PDJT and his affiliates, (family included) that could be used nefariously to destroy him and anyone supporting the MAGA agenda.

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It was Woolsey, Brennan, Clapper with the HAMMER

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Spectrum Health, an alleged intermediary for Trump -Alfa, which was shown to be a bogus connection produced from the DNS data.

The New Yorker article illuminates this pretty well.

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Trusting the NYer should be cause for disqualification

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It was Spectrum Health; not sure if it was Trump's doctor, but, wouldn't be surprised.

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Spectrum Health has some connections with the DeVos family which includes Betsy DeVos, head of the Education department under Trump

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That was particularly insidious. All the while Hillary was clearly dodging her myriad of health issues (memories of her being flung into the back of the van and a shoe being left behind...)

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The why and how is much more important.

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Great! Finally!!!!

It relates to everything we are witnessing

Watch CSpan cyber security video from may 2009. Listen VERY carefully. It’s about a computer worm. “Found in more than 300 MRI machines worldwide” (at that time)

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Of all of the substack writers I'm subscribed to, I always feel like I'm the most watched when I comment here....

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Great piece. Very helpful. Came here from Brian Cates Telegram

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Techno, thank You 🙏💪

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Mark Levine makes fun of Philip Bump, on his radio program.

Who’s payroll is Bump, on? 🤷🏻‍♀️He must have a side gig somewhere.

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The pieces are coming together. Thank you.

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What are the chances that the Russian "Yotaphones", or rather altered browser user agents, were intentionally used by Obama White House staff to justify surveillance of the Trump administration?

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Who wants to take some action that one of the redacted contractors in Rosemarie Colliers' report of illegal NSA database searches was Neustar.

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Absolutely! The sad thing is that, in the meantime, even though FusionGPS may have been removed, I'm pretty certain a new company will have filled the void. What I simply cannot understand is how FusionGPS had access and at the same moment had Russian clients- the conflict of interest and the national security threat is pretty obvious.

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Good to see the globalist IC that sabotaged a sitting president get their asses handed to them in Ukraine.

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Feb 22, 2022
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Techno raises an interesting question with this statement.

"But why continue to push a Trump/Russia hoax in February 2017?"

It's one thing for Hillary to push the "Trump is a Russian" story before the election, but it's an entirely different matter for Brennan and Clapper to claim that PDJT is a traitor while he's meeting with NATO. You have to ask yourself, "what could they hope to achieve?" and what was their plan IF they succeeded in removing him from office?

We know that it served a political purpose to smear Trump prior to the election, but why push so hard AFTER he's already won? I would like to posit a solution that no one so far has offered in their comments and one that Techno Fog has not yet considered in his writings.

What if the plan was to replace PDJT with Mike Pence? We know that Pence was not Trumps' choice for VP, but rather Paul Ryan's. We also know that it was Pence that forced Mike Flynn to resign and now we know that Pence betrayed PDJT on Jan. 6th thereby handing over the presidency to FJB.

It is not beyond the realm of possibility to consider that Pence was always a Judas in the Trump camp, secretly working to undermine the administration while at the same time hoping to replace the man if the Coup succeeded.

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I'm curious who the "particular Health Provider" that Durham states were being snooped?

Might be Trump's personal Doc before he became President, Dr. Harold Bornstein who recently passed.


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No, Spectrum Health.

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Think the CIA will let Trump be president again?

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Good question. As many road blocks still exist. NY radical AG, phony J6 commission. One thing is clear is if he does make it back in, every top position must be replaced with someone loyal and tasked with cleaning out the rats in their agencies.

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Trump will never get a second term. If it seemed likely he would win the corrupticrat deep state would eliminate him by any means necessary, including assassination. It's a moot point anyway since one man, no matter how well intentioned and capable, can't "drain the swamp". Like I have been saying since 2016, if the swamp were actually drained there wouldn't be anything left of Mordor-On-The-Potomac.

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