"As the Russia-Ukraine crisis heats up, we have no idea whether American leadership is telling the truth."

Truth is irrelevant to the regime. Only narrative and hidden policy goals matter. If a regime mouthpiece is talking, you should just assume they're lying.

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Put Boot and Farkas at the tip of the spear in any conflict and see how fast they sue for peace.

Don't we have enough of our fathers, sons, brothers, uncles and grandfathers in national cemeteries? Don't we have enough men walking around without an arm or a leg to promote someone else's vision of 'freedom"?

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If the sacrifice kept America free and prosperous, I would give all. But everything gained has been lost and vets are left begging the VA (a work welfare organization that every now and then provides healthcare by mistake) for help and those who have lost loved ones are left with a hole in their lives that cannot be justified.

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And they are betrayed by a government that waged a four year insurrection against its own executive and used COVID and rioting as a weapon.

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The fact that the establishment has the hubris to beat the drums for another military conflict within half a year of disastrous route is depressing AF.

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Policy goal or not, America has proved over the last 20 years that other than the First Gulf War, we never go in to win with a clear decisive victory with lasting impact. Oh trust me, we CAN...but....this is more to do with money than anything.

America goes to war in order to feed the industrial military complex, launder money to their friends who in turn grease the palms of the politicians and keep that teet flowing as long as possible no matter how many body bags are sent home and disabled vets return to be left for dead by the VA.

It has ZERO to do with a policy goal and more to do with how we now unable to conduct the entire operation and the lack of support for vets who come back from these wars.

We are in no position from any angle to get involved. It is the anvil that will finally sink America.

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We havent won a war in 60 years. Meanwhile, all our Military have uniforms with a chest full of ribbons and our 1st Woman Admiral is a Transgender. Its pathetic. Even Trump looked at our Generals - "Hello, we have been in Afghanistan a 4th world country for 22 years and you guys cant defeat it? You're a bunch of babies and pooosies". With an $800 Billion annual Budget - cut it by 2/3s and lets move on.

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Yeah I have seen how the sausage is made...no more of our treasure to be spent anywhere outside our borders.

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really PATHETIC .. this is because of the PURGE within our own military which has gone fully WOKE.

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The Ukrainian / Russian conflict (war) is a US policy goal. The US has pushed for war to feed the gluttonous Military Industrial Complex. This has been true since the fall of the USSR. Truthfully before; the US has been meddling in Ukraine far longer though. The US backed the likes of nationalists Stepan A. Bandera enough to sow dissent and internal strife with the goal of destabilizing the USSR and then Russia.

The US has been expanding NATO often repurposing former Soviet bases in the process. The US does not care about its previous commitments. The US has no clear objectives. Nor does the US fully grasp the unique position Ukraine plays in Russian history.

In Russian and Ukrainian the name "Russian" (Русский and Російський) means "Rus of Kyiv". In many ways Kyiv is to Russia what Jerusalem is to Jews. Russian ties to Kyiv are not as overt as Jewish ties are to Jerusalem, but they are strong and powerful nonetheless and over 1000 years old. When Putin says there is no difference between the Russian and Ukrainian people it is not just hyperbole. Russian nationalism, starts with the founder of Kyiv and the Kievan Rus from the 9th Century. They have long ties to Ukraine. Russia does not see Ukraine the same as it sees other countries. Russia feels it is the guardian of Slavic culture or Viking/Slavic culture. This is especially true of Ukraine.

Russia has also stated since WWII, the next conflict will not be conventional. They know they cannot go toe-to-toe with the US in a kenetic war. Russia is prepared psychologically to go nuclear like few other countries. It has the means to do so like no other country. Also, revelations from former Soviets like Ken Alibek show the Russians have a large biological capability that they would use as well.

The US has cynically used Ukraine to get at Russia with little actual regard for Ukraine.

It doesn't matter that Russian aggression in Crimea and the Donbas have done more to forge a Ukrainian nationality than most other events since the Holodomor. It doesn't matter that Ukraine has a right to be a sovereign nation regardless of how Russia struggles with "mommy / daddy" issues with its identity. The US is not acting in Ukraine's interest nor with true appreciation for the fire it is playing with.

The combined greed, hubris, and ignorance leading the US to war is staggering. We should be using sophisticated, nuanced diplomacy instead of hamfisted caricatures little better than Rocky and Bullwinkle cutouts of Boris and Natasha to inform our policy back by naked greed.

The US needs to stay out of Ukraine especially in the way it has inserted itself over the decades since WWII and even more since the fall of the USSR. The US approach is going to open a hellfire no one wants.

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America is in the Business of War: Add it to everything else: Abortion Mills, Harvesting and Selling Baby Body Parts, Human Trafficking, Opioids, Trannys and Pedophiles with Big Govt, Big Tech, Big Banks, Big Pharma and Color Revolutions and Big Wars Forever. Im an American, living in Asia and prefer the China CCP to America now. Thats how bad it is. And Russia? They are more American now then USA. You got a big job ahead of you - are you up for it. Or just another "Well, I voted Republican".

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Ccp is worse but the left is clearly moving towards the same semi free market/ totalitarian hybrid model.

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CCP and XI .. are refusing to call Putin's invasion and INVASION.. so what does that imply about XI?

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There are a few milestones that are key to how the US got to this point. Several happened under Woodrow Wilson. Many came as the US squared off against the USSR. In the process of defeating the Soviets, the US became what it fought. Fear and profiteering are prevalent. Freedoms and Rights were given up in the name of security and order. The Patriot Act is vile. Now, the US has a corrupt global patronage system built on the framework of alliances used to defeat Communism. Yes the US has a lot to do.

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We've come along way. We had 2,000 years of Kings, Lords and Serfs, then 245 Years of Democracy and Prosperity. As a direct result of (Clinton) not enforcing Fed Anti-Trust Laws - we now have the largest accumulation of wealth and power in history - Big Everything. Well, they own 80% of the planet, have bankrupted the Global Financial System and have now decided to just sieze it all. You got Mfg Election, Mfg Virus, Mfg Vaccines, Mfg Lockdowns and Mfg Depopulation toward a reduced Mfg Serfdom. Ever heard of the Great Reset and World Economics Forum. Get informed, you're missing the Biggest Coup in the World by Global Feudal Lords and its going to Fail. :)

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The Great Reset and WEF are no surprise. Soros has many books and essays outlining his vision as does Klaus Schwab. There is no missing the coup. We are all living it.

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Which books? What is their game plan according to those books?

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Klaus Schwab has around 43 books, essays, and co-authored reports.

Here is a start for KS

1. COVID-19: The Great Reset

2. The Great Narrative (The Great Reset)

3. The Fourth Industrial Revolution

George Soros has at least 14 books and over 234 essays. You can find many listed on Soros's website:


The World Economic Forum (founded by Klaus Schwab) has many videos describing their vision for the future. They don't hide it. "You will own nothing and you will be happy."


They make many nice sounding statements. When you get into the details though it quickly descends into control, transhumanism, collectivist visions of utopia, and eugenics. They are anti-liberty, anti-God, anti-national sovereignty, and pro collectivist corporatism to by-pass national sovereignty and suppress individual rights. Then it gets dark. You don't have to get into any conspiracies. You just have to listen to them and see who they hang out with and see what they are doing and saying. They will tell you. They will show you. They are proud of themselves.

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Solid Gold!

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I agree with most of what you are saying: yes BOTH sides of the so called ISLE.. RINOS, NEO CONS and Dems have been war mongers for ages. BUSH who under Cheney's leadership.. yes. Cheney dragged us over there. IF we were going to send troops it should be to our southern Border which is hemorrhagic in both directions.

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Thank You Techno

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NATO is unimportant in this scenario; Russia, the US, and they know that they are not willing, or even really capable, of dealing with Russia. Russia doesn't really want to get into armed conflict with the US, but is more capable of dealing with this situation if it comes to that than we are; their military is not a shell, with feckless and incompetent leadership, and an even less capable CinC.

The problem is that the dolts in State might not know or understand this, as they have continually showed how clueless they are, and how easily pushed around. Perhaps they think that this is their big chance to 'make their bones', or some such idiocy; that is what we (as a country) have been saddled with. It may even be that they are not trying to "poke the bear", but simply grandstand, and are not be smart enough to realize that Russia doesn't bluff much when they believe (rightly or not) that their security is being threatened.

To boot, this simply pushes Russia and China closer together, as if things weren't bad enough already. Let's not mention how aggressive China has been with the current resident of the White House regarding Taiwan; the master diplomat sure is showing his butt, and we will be the ones who pay for it, literally and figuratively...


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I do not see any real benefit from going to war over Ukraine which is not a NATO country. I do see that other NATO partners like Poland etc could see this as a test of the alliance’s will and their own security prospects. Plainly, Putin’s goal is to damage NATO over the long term. Also, China is watching all this as well. Each of these two ( Russia and China) see Biden as very weak. They could easily see this as a time of opportunity. So, the question for me is this a new domino theory or not?

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The Left needs a bogeyman. Russia Russia Russia! Ever seen a Lefty with a Gun? Try Alex Baldwin - innocent people die. Then he stands around and says he didnt pull the trigger and feels no guilt what so ever - while he lectures us on gun violence. Sound familiar? They are all Sociopaths. :)

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Sorry, I believe Putin way before I believe one word our government has to say about anything. And I do mean ANYTHING! What a shame. I haven't believed them since Vietnam and 50,000 of our children died. And I've been right every single time. I don't believe them about 9/11 either. Our government was taken over by evil many decades ago.

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Sad state of Affairs when both China CCP and Russia's Putin have higher credibility, reason and rational then USA Leadership.

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A new war since viruganda lost steam

Will potentially be the downfall of the American regime

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The usual cabal of war mongers keep pushing for a new war. -- any war is good enough for them. If these old white "movers and shakers" ever had to even take public transportation in NYC they would be shaking in their boots. They are cowards who think nothing of sending American kids to fight and die for their latest wrongheaded and criminal international adventure. Max Boot is a mentally disturbed faux Conservative who should be shunned and fired from his perch. The drumbeat for war is building and must be resisted at all costs.

Since Russia could never win a war with NATO and the U. S. a cornered Putin might launch a final nuclear attack before being dismantled. But all these "experts" scoff at the idea. WW I was started over one man killing a leader of a 2nd rate nation in Europe. If any leader could see the carnage and devastation that came with WW I I doubt anyone would have "declared war" on anyone.

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Uh, Pentagon did 16 War Simulations with Russia vs Nato - Russia won every time. Gee, I dont know - Russia with 1 Million Troops and a strong military against what. Nato? Average age of their Military is 47 and alot of Gay Parades. Try to do a lil research, search engines are at your fingertips.

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I did say NATO and the U.S. but you were to busy making your point about gays and liberals in the military. Next war might be like a video game where woman and young man of many strips could wipe out divisions from their consoles. Russia's 1 million troops might find it difficult swatting at hundreds of unmanned but deadly drones. In any event your simulations seemed based on yesterday's war scenarios. Bet you even think tanks are important. If you actually believe Russia could win a war between NATO and the U.S. I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

The problem might just be that the U.S. would abandon NATO, article 5 notwithstanding, since Americans for the most part are pretty war weary and have become a bit sick of Europe's never ending interminable wars.

If I am wrong and you are 100% correct that would be a talking point against poking the Bear. I would think ALL nations in NATO are aware of those 16 War Simulations as Russia would be so they would also be aware of MAD and tread lightly.

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Yep, 16 War Simulations at the Pentagon saying they lose to Russia every time. And Im delusional? How did we do in Afghanistan against the Taliban? If you think Nato is a force to be reckoned with, you have a vivid imagination. USA needs a Bogeyman, Putin is not part of the new Global Order - so they are intent on taking him out of the picture. Meanwhile, USA is looking more and more like soulmates with CCP in China. Sad state of affairs. By the way, USA is almost a decade behind China and Russia on Hypersonic Missiles. Our last 3 tests FAILED. China's missiles travel at 8,500 mph - can take out a US Aircraft Carrier at 2,000 miles and can hit London in 22 minutes. They are low altitude, evasive maneuvering and each carries 10 nuclear warheads. They are 1st Strike Weapons - we cant defend against them. I love your debates - its all conjecture and theory - got any real facts based on reality or just suppositions based on attitude and ignorance.

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You are out of your league comparing the military technology of China/Russia and America. For example, hypersonic missiles can be easily defeated by anti missile defenses on ship. And most Russian ships could never get close enough to a carrier group. Our subsonic but stealthed anti ship missiles (lrasm, nsm) are slower but far superior. That’s not even getting into the capabilities required to locate enemy ships at 300 miles and guide those missiles in. And our stealfighters would dominate both Russia and China once enough are produced. China is much closer to us and is almost a peer naval wise. They would probably defeat us in their back yard and we would defeat them in ours.

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If your Hypersonic missile is as you say and not an unproven or over hyped bogyman tactic by our or their gov't. I would suggest we surrender right now.

Russia was just as flummoxed in Afghanistan. We were not fighting an actual war there but playing at nation building and world's policeman. When politicians utilized the military for anything but all out war they are bound to fail. Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan on and on it goes with wars run for and by politicians with agenda's other than outright winning.

You may very well be right but do you believe that this Administration either does not know this or is playing chicken with nuclear war? I've read the numbers on this super weapon and find 8,500 mph, low level maneuvering with 10 warheads almost science fiction sounding.

Wonder where our I.C. groups were during the development of this weapon. Probably dreaming up the Russian Hoax and signing letters calling for Trump's resignation while sniffing around for political points when they should have been doing actual intelligence work.

Unless you are a part of our pretty broken intelligence services or are an independent spy I would posit that we are all acting on suppositions based on anything from political affiliation right up to outright ignorance. When it comes to politics and war it is hard to know which is which.

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It's the truth! They've been tested and they have been proven right! The US is way behind in most Tech and are only provoking Russia because to stave off a civil war!

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Ukraine needs to come clean and in the sunlight provide evidence of what the Biden's activity in Ukraine was, what they did, who they worked with, who paid them, etc... then and only the should the USA think about helping them.

Helping Ukraine should involve sending arms, bombs, maybe some aviation assets - BUT NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND!

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We've been at WAR for 24 Years. Its a Bipartisan Effort. America is in the Business of War. But who was putting a stop to it - Trump. And where is he, they drove him out of town on a rail. And now with Biden - War is Back. Vote for Change. Blaming Neocons with BushW? Really, so Biden is a Republican Neocon too. Its Bipartisan. This is BIDEN, a Democrat. And by the way, who was against Trump - the Neocons. Its 2022, catch up. We need fundamental change in Wash DC - Both Parties need to go.

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Just observe the most vocal and amped up people and groups against Trump. Republican war mongers, neo-cons, Intelligence agencies, FBI and the DNC. All with clear records for starting faux wars and advocating for military actions. Defense Industry pulling the strings and funding the campaign to "dump Trump." Trump was not a politician or needed the bribe money. He was a outlier and a pretty poor D.C. schooled politician Why did he engender the type of hysterical reaction that we saw in the faux news outlets. The outrageous lies and outright illegal framing of him by the FBI and CIA is yet to be exposed let alone punished.

This was a well coordinated and all out assault by the media and the agencies of government. Leaking his phone calls, faux impeachments (2) without any foundation, crazy Russian tales from the crypt. A daily drumbeat by most ALL media outlets attacking everything from Trump's "two scoops of ice cream" to falsely arresting his national security guy, Flynn, on ginned up lies.

Even the Courts and DOJ were compromised and actively part of this conspiracy. Weird false affidavits for search and surveillance warrants. Yet to be punished. At least half of Americans fell into this well set trap.

Biden was "elected" and got more votes that Obama. Sure he did! The story was all written by hack writers selling a totally unbelievable story to a pretty disengaged public.

All because DJT was not part of the political culture and on board with never ending war and backing new incursions. Trump never had a chance from the day he announced his candidacy, beat Hillary, a tool of the war Party, right up until he got wrecked by a "man made" virus unleashed on the world and bought and paid for by research money from U.S. Tax Payers.

If this sounds like an evil science fiction script to you it is supposed to. All dismissed as a "conspiracy" theory and swept under a very ample rug. Small podcasters and smart journalists outside the mainstream called this every step of the way.

Books were written, and ignored, about many aspects of this story. Odd how so many are still harping on the Russian Hoax even after it has been totally de-bunked. Guess that is the power of mass propaganda fed to a willing audience.

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I say let Russia and Ukraine work out their issues themselves.

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War with Russia is part of the 16 year plan and would have been triggered by Killary. There is no reason to think that the plan has changed.

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Ike warned America of the "Military Industrial Complex" on his way out the door. No one listened.

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I'm not so sure that JFK did not listen. He didn't escalate Vietnam as he was expected to do.

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That might have been the reason behind Dallas. That would be more credible that a lone sniper using a pretty inaccurate foreign rifle. Oswald made no sense except to those not paying attention. Then he is killed on national TV. Just like the guy who killed Mafia chief Columbo in NYC then was killed himself. Same playbook different day. Gears within gears backed up with a hall of funhouse mirrors. That is how it is done.

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