If that was Donald Trump Jr.'s laptop he'd already be doing his third year of a life sentence for tax fraud, FARA violations, child pornography, crack possession, soliciting underage prostitutes, paying prostitutes to cross state lines, firearms violations, embezzlement, bribery, and various oil painting crimes.

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Paying hookers to cross state lines is aka HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

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My saying during the Trump years was that Democrats happily would have impeached him for using the wrong fork to eat his salad. In reality they just hate him because he's 'mean'. He wasn't a typical Romney/Bush/Mccain style Republican who would roll over at the slightest push.

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Biden is way more of a dick and they don't hate him. They hate Trump because he wasn't supposed to get elected, and he wasn't supposed to get elected because of his platform goes against the direction of the GAE.

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True, the media just cover up his dickishness.

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or Democrats just like dick. Everything else is irrelevant.

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“various oil painting crimes”

As in, making bad art?


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I always find you articles greatly informative and balanced. One thing stuck out for me in this article. You stated there was disparate treatment for a president's son. I would argue for a Democratic politicians son. I am sure Nancy Peolosi's family would get the same soft treatment and any powerful Democrat. Also, the two DOJ prosecutors just killed their reps as no nonsense terminators. They are the same corruptible civil servants that they have gone after.

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May I suggest they are Scum !

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Scum is a strong word. Not strong enough for these two maggots, but still a strong word.

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yes you may!

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Her family DID get the same soft treatment. Nancy Pelosi is the daughter of famously corrupt Baltimore mayor and congressman Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. (whose ties to organized crime were swept under the rug by the FBI) and sister of Baltimore City Council President and Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro III (indicted for rape when he was younger and for corruption later on...the key witnesses in both cases somehow were unavailable when it came time to "close out" each case).

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?? "ties to organized crime" The dude was mayor because he was a mob boss.

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T is always 🎯🎯🎯🎯

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It seems that Wise and Hines know the name and rule of the game...

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Why would these two career prosecutors with stellar reputations and exemplary accomplishments so publicly debase themselves in Federal Court in a high profile case by so obviously betraying every principle and value to which they have committed their lives and their careers?

They have allowed themselves to be compromised and corrupted. And why would they do it for depraved degenerate Hunter Biden?

There must be a reason.

What do they tell their wives and kids?

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because that is how you advance in today's DOJ?

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They had to have had extraordinary incentives placed before them , my opinion , to do so

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and the newly enlarged bank accounts they possess.

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Let’s get them in front of the house oversight committee and tear them apart!! Then we can look for harsh sentences for them see how they like it 🥴

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I think we can safely say these two don't have a shred of integrity.

Thanks for the digging to clearly compare apples to apples.

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And especial thanks for that picture of Leo Wise and Derek Hines, the faces of corruption. Are they ashamed? If not yet, I pray they will be, if only to set a Terminator-style example to any other civil servants tempted to pander to power.

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The faces of corruption are quite homely, yes?

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Great work, Techno; brilliant! I am even angrier now than I was on Tuesday. I hope the Judge is, too.

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Great contrasting article laying out two tax cases with similar tax violations with two different prosecution recommendations for the average American to understand that they’re a two tier justice system and how corrupted the Garland DOJ is. This weaponization and politicalization of the DOJ and FBI has to be dealt with at some point either by this Congress or the next POTUS otherwise the public trust will never be restored. The issue is governmental corruption and the public needs to realize this impacts every American as to the threat to their freedoms. Don’t take my word go read history books on how Hitler used the power of the state to criminalize the German citizenry if they didn’t follow the law as defined by the Nazis.

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Agree , excellent article .

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Sterling work on your part. Many thanks.

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I hope, Mr. Wisenberg (if that is not a nom de plume), that you can bring this to the attention of the judge. Your prominence, as one of the Whitewater prosecutors, should give you the ability to bring this peerless substack article in front of the judge.

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Thanks. If I was going to pick a nom de plume it would be something cool like Dash Riprock or Beef Jerky. I think the judge gets what happened here. But she has already signaled that she does not see her role as second guessing the government's charging decisions. She just refused to rubber stamp a flawed, deliberately ambiguous deal like this.

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" flawed, deliberately ambiguous"???? It appears to be straight our corruption. Do you disagree?

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Corruption personified. What did these two get in return for compromising their integrity in such a visible way?

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Only visible to TechnoFog and those of us privileged to read his substack and possibly the judge. To the rest of the world, including the various legal commentators, invisible.

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Only invisible to those who refuse to look, or if they do look, they refuse to see.

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And if they do see they refuse to Believe 🥴

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Per the article, it appears they "learned their lesson" by being demoted to handle the HB case.

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They got to keep their jobs!

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thats what im always curious about? a threat, a bribe, both? Or just getting too old to be confrontational in a loosing fight? when Bye/Done will just pardon him anyway? the corruptions is now at levels making me apoplectic. good to see im not alone

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good question

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No Words. I have nothing but fiery hate for these loathsome creatures.

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I have plenty of words, most of them not suited for polite company.

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Seems like the defense team composed the plea deal along with the Government DOJ team. They hid the immunity deal and kept it out of the plea bargain. Both sides are working together to keep Hunter out of prison. MY biggest concern.....WHY has Hunter not been indicted, and are they stalling so the statue of limitations expires just like the 2014 Burisma case did!! The Government legal team’s duty is to protect the American people, they are only protecting the Biden’s!

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Fun Fact: The series "We Own this City" depicts the story covers Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force. From the creators of "The Wire".

WIth regard to Wise and Enron Task Force. this would mean he likely worked closely with Andrew Weissman.

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This is complete evidence of malfeasance. I wonder what the charges for these two corrupt prosecutors should be.

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Disbarment for starters !

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Thank you.

Hillary rules the White House – not Biden.

Blinken, Sullivan, Nuland – they have been and are Hillary Clinton’s closest officials.

US State Security thought police is – everywhere: https://substack.com/inbox/post/135498765

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Eeeew, thank you. That link is well worth a click, folks.

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We must impeach

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Excellent and chilling insight into a two tiered justice system. Comparing sentences for similar crimes by these prosecutors clearly demonstrates “the fix was in before the fix was in.” Well done Techno!

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Thank you for your examination of these two cases. I am a retired Enrolled Agent and have been retired for about 3-4 years. But during my time in practice, I used to represent tax payers before the IRS, and while NONE of my cases reached the level of “tax avoidance” of Hunter Biden, I have been watching this case with more than partisan interest.

So, I am relieved to know that my take on this case was more spot on than a case of being retired and just forgetting about how this all goes down. Recognizing that Hunter Biden, as a “Princeling”, was not going to be held to account for his misdeeds, I thought that there would be a little more than “two misdemeanor tax violations” for the sums of money involved as well as the mischaracterizations of business expenses.

One of the last cases that I handled, was an attorney in Southern California, who handled his own books (hey, he was an ‘attorney”). It was his second audit, but the amounts of income (and business expenses) paled in comparison to Hunter Biden. But the IRS examiner in the case, patiently explained to me (and I relayed this to my attorney client), that if he EVER had a similar situation with the IRS, he would be wearing an orange jumpsuit for a few years. Nice to see that “Justice IS blind, and the scales are not tilted to be benefit of Princelings”. thank you for clarifying.

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But, Techno, No One Is Above The Law‼️😉

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