I have concerns about the following members of the U.S. Supreme Court:

Roberts (you know why)

Breyer (anti-Trumper)

Barrett (nomination and confirmation pushed by McConnell)

Kavanaugh (tied to Bush 43)

Sotomayor (attended what may have been fake Bribes inauguration proceeding & appointed by Obama)

Gorsuch (who knows - flip-flopper)

Kagan (nominated by Obama)

I have confidence in Alito (based on earlier PA injunction ruling)

I have confidence in Thomas (Patriot)

The Federalist Society has had TOO MUCH influence on recent SCOTUS nominations. That needs to change in the future.

The U.S. Supreme Court should never be guided by politics. The rule of law is nonpartisan.


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I am disappointed in Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett. However, We the People must quit sitting back and relying on judges, justices, media and politicians to do the right thing. We must start speaking up. We must spend our money wisely and not give it to institutions that do not have our interests at heart. Churches, universities, primary and secondary schools, media, both political parties, think tanks, etc., most are not corrupt. Donald J Trump tried his best and it's amazing what he accomplished, but everything but the kitchen sink was thrown at him and they did succeed in bringing him down.

I am praying that God will once again intervene in the affairs of men and bring us the cleansing that we so desperately need.

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Supreme Court avoid its Constitutional obligation. They could hear merits of this and other cases and made meaningful decision. With hiding they just ruined credibility of important institution.

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This also keeps questions from being asked about why Justice Alito's order to set aside/separate those ballots in question without postmarks was blatantly ignored by the corrupt election officials in PA. Last I checked, the law does not leave room for cowardice in its application by those tasked with its interpretation and application.

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You're absolutely correct and with HR1 looming their cowardice is something this entire country is about to pay for in a bad way.

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Every institution in our country at this moment is a captured operation. How else could “bank robbers” like the powerful elite get away with robbing our most precious institution- our vote. Our voices were silenced and the SC is compromised/captured. Now we can see it. We the people know they did this knowingly. The Law of Belligerent government may be our way out. The military is tasked with defending and protecting our constitution from enemies foreign & domestic. It will be biblical.

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great read, thanks!

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I think that a reasonable argument could ne made that this was another 'stich in time to save nine' decision, but if so, what is clearly being missed is that such a threat to the court will ALWAYS be present under the left, that this decision to punt assures that the left will continue to expand their grip through more BS 'elections', and so the court will always be afraid to perform its duty out of fear of being replaced.

Not that it performs its duty worth a crap, anyway. The depths to which the institution has sunk should be embarrassing, but it is clear that such is not the case, and that most of the court wishes to sink even further. Not that it matters much anymore, but the court has ceded any authority it still had to unelected state bureaucrats, and has finally, publicly revealed itself to be a self-neutered waste of time, unworthy of any respect.

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USA is a joke

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