Since Obergefell v. Hodges 2015, I've occasionally followed the opinions of SCOTUS justices.

This is one more glaring example of why I will NEVER vote Democrat as I sometimes did prior to 2004.

The liberal justices are partisan ideologues and, Sotomayor in particular is unfit for the office she holds.

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But wait, the newest woman to join the court holds the promise of being even more moronic than the other 2 leftist women.

Ketanji Brown: "I'm not a biologist "

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scary, isnt it? Its hard to imagine someone worse than Sotomayor.

I'd pay money all the SCOTUS leftist judges interviewed by Matt Walsh.

I'd be woofin down the popcorn as he lets them hang themselves out to dry.

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Yes, it'd be like an AOC festival! Popcorn would be the appropriate snack, along with some "wobble pops" for the drinking games of course.

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WALSH: What is a man?

SOTOMAYOR: You mean like, a mansplainer? A manspreader?

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You give her too much credit. I don't think she's smart enough to even come up with that.

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Blackburn missed the opportunity to confront Brown's stupid remark.

"Judge Brown, you say you are not a biologist and, therefore, cannot say what a woman is, right? Well, then, are you a woman?"

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The follow up question would be, and how do you know? 😂🤣😂🤣

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That would have been priceless!

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Sotomayor is weak but her primary reason for being on the court is her regressive Obamunist credentials of following the party line.

Brown however I think is going to blow Sotomayor out of the water. She's a full blown Marxist.

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But it probably won't change much as the 3 liberals seem to vote the same way on these cases. She just replaces one of the three.

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Just wait, you want moronic, Com-a-la could be next!

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Sorry, I said moronic, but where she is concerned, she's in a class not entirely by herself, that being "Military Grade Stupid" a designation for only the most dangerous idiots alive.

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The Democrat Party has been almost entirely co-opted by satanically-motivated left-wing totalitarians bent on wiping Christian faith, the heterosexual family, and Constitutionally-based liberties from American society. Whatever "moderates"existed prior to Clinton in 1992 are long gone. Those Dems who speak "moderate" language today do not ACT as moderates when they vote for ever-increasing secularism mandated with increasing central government controls in Congress and state legislatures.

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Agreed! However, a prominent Democrat during the 2016 primaries said the quiet part out loud. "We're all Socialist, we just never admit it" when asked about Bernie being a socialist.

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I appreciate your analysis of the chain of events and opinions from the judges. I read this in The WSJ before hand. I give it to you- your article is better.

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High praise - thank you. Having a familiarity with the law certainly helps with the analysis. Will be providing brief update on distinguishing this case with other religious freedom cases and the recent Dobbs decision.

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Yes, I agree.

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Informative piece. I didn’t know some of the details of the event.

I agree with the above commenters who question the voting of the Leftist SC Justices. Most of us had a better understanding of the Constitution in 4th grade than Sotomayor has after many years on the Court.

Shared this article on my personal social media accounts.

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Sotomayor's rulings are consistently a disgrace. I always picture her furiously scribbling down her Liberal talking points and court speak transitional phrases on the back of a napkin at the very last minute, in front of Netflix woke while she chows down on Chinese takeout. She hasn't a clue about what the Constitution stands for and she doesn't care.

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During the oral arguments on the OSHA jab mandates earlier this year, she actually asked why couldn’t private companies be mandated to force their employees to be jabbed the same way they are mandated to have safety features on machinery owned by the employer. Not an exact quote, but along those lines.

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The same people not ok with this coach praying off by himself without trying to get anyone else to join are just fine with teachers discussing their sexual lifestyles, bringing in drag story hour and every other kind of brain washing to indocrinate kids into LGBTQ

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How far society has fallen. SMH.

Prosecutes the man who kneels to God.

Praises the twerking man in drag who lets kids put dollar bills in nether regions.

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Sotomayor really should get her anger under control. The lies in her dissent are glaring. The American people are on to these people, I pray she never gets to write winning opinion!

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Sotomayor has always been way over her head. That type of incompetence always brings out the buried rage and anger within those who KNOW they are not up to par. Bosses who scream at work because they are confused by those who know better are typical. Harris and others like the Judge are lost and totally confused by the individuals who seem to understand and easily solve problems that they can't even understand. It mades for a deep frustration and lack of self worth that enrages them in end. Just watch and observe this very standard behavior by these IQ challenged mediocre people. Once you see them for what they are you can never unsee it. This type of dolt stands out like a sore thumb.

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I am not a “religious” person. I am one of those “new age ‘spiritual’” people. I do believe that people are free to express their religious preferences.

This country was founded on religious freedom. I was born in DC, and raised in Maryland, a state founded as a haven for persecuted Catholics from England. I believe that people should be free to practice their religion as long as they don’t coerce others into their views.

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Soto can only be ok with a religious expression if you are hiding in a basement with every door locked and no communication with anyone else in the world; otherwise, it would be coercive by definition according to her.

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The real reason the left "hates" religion, is because it's a glaring condemnation of all their SIN. They want everyone to affirm their personal choice to live a degenerate lifestyle, no matter which sin they practice.

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You know, watching all those borderline women raging and screaming, I thought pretty much the same thing. Now they have to think about something in a way that the "law" previously gave them license to avoid thinking about at all.

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Tim Pool in his first YouTube video today, @timcast, put it just right I think. All these screaming videos of leftards, are mearly "performative" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0ifJzhyQF4

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Perfect example in link of psychopathy: Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.

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I would lable them more under psychosis which is sorta like the umbrella that covers a multitude of psychological and behavioral issues. It also explains their inability to see the real world as it is. And you can bet many are on some kind of medication and or recreational drugs, which exacerbates the situation further.

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Techno Fog is becoming a fast voice of clarity. Helped me out on Friday with blazing out of the gate announcement on the Roe overturn and this is just a beautiful legal summation interceded with the facts.

Thank you Techno Fog!

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3 for 3 this week!! Happy Birthday to Clarence Thomas too. Yep. Roe v Wade POOF. :) prayer in schools and the NY ruling. Thanks. Techno.

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These leftist justices, chosen based on their gender or their genuflection to all leftist causes, show not an ounce of common sense or reading comprehension. Very sad that they will soon be joined by another check-the-box "woman."

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Thanks, I read this on my show giving a link back.

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Thank You Techno 🙏🙌

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I recommend reading the chapter on Sotomayor in the book “Boomers” by Helen Andrews. She is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court.

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Will take a look 🙏 I have my own project discussing generational conflict. Very relevant.

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I look forward to reading your project!

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I was unenlightened on the disdain for the boomers. This book is an interesting take but I nearly put it down because the beginning seemed whiny. I’m glad I stuck with it.

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This decision was based on both common sense and the 1st Amendment. The 3 lefties are totally hostile to both free speech and religion. This Court has revived the Constitution as meaning what it actually says, rather than just the personal preferences of the judges on it. Right on !!!

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Awesome. You lay it out so cleanly. Thank you.

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